Introduction To Philosophical Methods Set 2

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This set of Introduction to Philosophical Methods Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Introduction To Philosophical Methods Set 2

Q1 | The method of Kant was
Q2 | True knowledge is
Q3 | Berkeley argues that all knowledge is derived from
Q4 | ———— helps in getting correct knowledge through anumana
Q5 | The words of a trustworthy person is known as
Q6 | In Philosophy, what is an argument?
Q7 | The method of philosophy is
Q8 | ———— is a materialist
Q9 | The author of Advancement of Learning
Q10 | A theory is a conclusion, where as a method is a
Q11 | Philosophy is the root and science is the
Q12 | Who said ? Philosophy is the Science of sciences
Q13 | Bacon recommended ———— method to attain correct knowledge
Q14 | Questions of philosophy are———— ones
Q15 | ———— said “whatever is. Clearly and distinctly perceived is true”
Q16 | According to Skepticism knowledge is ———-
Q17 | Cosmology was the characteristic of——— Philosophers.
Q18 | For Idealism ——— is primary
Q19 | The problem of Universals was first introduced into philosophy by:
Q20 | “Tabula rasa” is the term coined by:
Q21 | The author of Meditations is
Q22 | The only pramana accepted by Carvakas:
Q23 | Nyaya syllogism has ——— statements
Q24 | The two Heterodox schools in Indian Philosophy are:
Q25 | The father of philosophy :