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This set of Indian Constitution And Politics 1 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Indian Constitution And Politics 1 Set 5

Q1 | In the Indian Constitution , the power to issue a writ of “ Hebeas Corpus” is vested
Q2 | Which of the following writs is issued by an appropriate judicial body in order to free aperson who has been illegally detained ?
Q3 | Which of the following Fundamental rights is guaranteed only to the citizens
Q4 | Fundamental Rights guaranteed in the Constitution can be suspended
Q5 | Which of the following is not included in Right to Freedom?
Q6 | Right to Information is
Q7 | Which part of the Constitution refers to the responsibility of the state towards internationalpeace and security ?
Q8 | The Directive Principles of state policy is taken from
Q9 | The impeachment of the President can be initiated by
Q10 | Which of the following shall not be considered an adequate ground for the issue of aproclamation of national emergency ?
Q11 | The authority to declare war or peace under the Indian Constitution
Q12 | Which of the following is the basis for the President’s impeachment?
Q13 | Proclamation of emergency by the President of India can be made on the written provision ofthe Cabinet only. This has been added
Q14 | The budget is presented in the House of people by
Q15 | The President is bound by the
Q16 | The accountability or responsibility of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to the Lok Sabha is
Q17 | The Vice-President of India can be removed from the office
Q18 | The Council of Ministers is responsible to
Q19 | Who is the legal advisor of the Government of a State ?
Q20 | Who determines the salaries and allowances of the ministers in state?
Q21 | The Council of Ministers in a State is collectively responsible to
Q22 | Which emergency has an initial life of one month ?
Q23 | Who is responsible for protecting and defending the Constitution?
Q24 | Which Article empowers the president to appoint two Anglo Indians to Lok Sabha?
Q25 | The Financial emergency is declared by the President on which ground ?