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This set of Fundamentals of Ethics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Fundamentals Of Ethics Set 7

Q1 | --------- is the special virtue of the ruling class.
Q2 | Temperance is the special virtue of the --------
Q3 | ______ is the power of resisting the fear of pain and temptation of pleasure.
Q4 | ________is the harmonious functioning of intellect, emotion and desire underthe guidance of reason.
Q5 | Wisdom is the virtue of the ________ part of the soul
Q6 | Courage is the virtue of the ------- part of the soul
Q7 | Cardinal virtue of Plato
Q8 | Which is not a cardinal virtue:
Q9 | __________ comprehends all cardinal virtues:
Q10 | The ethical theory of Aristotle is popularly known as:
Q11 | Central concept of Aristotelian ethics and moral philosophy
Q12 | ‘Virtue is a permanent state of mind’ who holds this this view?
Q13 | For Aristotle what was the formal cause of the moral life?
Q14 | For Aristotle what was the final cause of the moral life?
Q15 | “Virtue is the habit of choosing the relative mean” Who holds this view?
Q16 | Who made the distinction between intellectual virtue and moral virtue?
Q17 | The aim of the punishment as per Deterrent theory:
Q18 | Which theory of punishment, the offender is treated merely as a means to thegood of others.
Q19 | Which theory is against Capital Punishment
Q20 | The aim of punishment as per Reformative theory
Q21 | The aim of punishment as per Retributive theory:
Q22 | --------- theory of punishment is more humanitarian
Q23 | Which theory of punishment appears to justify the law of ‘an eye for an eye anda tooth for a tooth’
Q24 | Deterrent theory of punishment is:
Q25 | Retributive theory of punishment involves: