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This set of Fundamentals of Ethics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Fundamentals Of Ethics Set 11

Q1 | ) According to Aristotle, virtues are a kind of ________ nature.
Q2 | ) which is the greatest knowledge according to Socrates ?
Q3 | ) Knowing one is the real _________ formation.
Q4 | ) Realization of self helps to realize the _________ self.
Q5 | ) By nature human is indebted to search for ________ since he is a moral person.
Q6 | ) Ethics aims at finding out the truth about something that is both interesting and important ___________.
Q7 | ) _________ is the dream of ethics, according to all ethicist.
Q8 | ) ___________ is the moral end.
Q9 | ) _________ is the modern term used to indicate by name of ‘good’ traditionally.
Q10 | ) Hippocratic Oath is still recited to ___________ students.
Q11 | ) ______ was the greatest Christian theologian and philosopher of middle ages ?
Q12 | ) Eternal law for man cannot be physical, but only ________.
Q13 | ) Whether man has reached the highest point of development of his moral consciousness?
Q14 | ) The progress of human consciousness is the fact of _________.
Q15 | Ethics is concerned precisely with the __________ to decide the right/wrong in human conduct.
Q16 | The __________ word ‘mores’ is the root of the word ‘morality’.
Q17 | Intuitionism 3. Hedonism4. Human rights 4. Conscience
Q18 | Summum Bonum refers to the _________ good.
Q19 | _________ is not a positive science.
Q20 | Ethics as a normative science deals with the __________ of human conduct.
Q21 | A desire that continues to be effective can be termed a ___________.
Q22 | Human desire is _________ animal appetite.
Q23 | A human being may be hungry and yet not __________ food.
Q24 | __________ may be outer or inner.
Q25 | The motive of an action is a part of the __________.