Environmental Philosophy And Human Rights Set 4

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This set of Environmental Philosophy and Human Rights Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Environmental Philosophy And Human Rights Set 4

Q1 | Silent valley was declared as a National park in ----
Q2 | Deep ecology is a kind of ---approach
Q3 | ---- is a non renewable resources
Q4 | ---- is a man oriented ideology
Q5 | Naes 's personal philosophy is called ----
Q6 | Arne Naesis ---- philosopher
Q7 | --- is relevant in the notion of deep ecology
Q8 | Eco philosophy relates with philosophy of ----
Q9 | Who among the following is concerned with deep ecology
Q10 | ----- is a web inter connectedness
Q11 | Chipco movement begins from
Q12 | Who is regarded as first ecologist
Q13 | The silent spring is published on ----
Q14 | Ecocentric ethic was conceived by -----
Q15 | Who among the following is considered with deontology
Q16 | Immanuel Kant is an ---- philosopher
Q17 | Holos is in holism signifies -----
Q18 | A sand County Almanac is published on ------
Q19 | Who is considered as the A sand county Almanac
Q20 | Practical ethics is published on ---
Q21 | Who is the author of The Deep Ecology Movement
Q22 | The Deep Ecology Movement is published on -----
Q23 | Radical Ecology is published on
Q24 | Who is the author of Ecology of Wisdom
Q25 | Who is the father of social ecology