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This set of Applied Ethics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Applied Ethics Set 14

Q1 | Assisting suicide is not against the law in ---------
Q2 | -------------is not against the law in Michigan.
Q3 | --------------- built a ‘suicide machine’
Q4 | Dr. Jack Kevorkian built a -----------
Q5 | Which country legalised voluntary euthanasia?
Q6 | It has been estimated that about -------------each year result fromeuthanasia in Netherlands
Q7 | Euthanasia as -------------- when the person killed is capable of consentingto her own death, but does not do so, either because she is not asked, or because she is asked and chooses to go on living
Q8 | If a human being is not capable of understanding the choice between life anddeath, euthanasia would be :
Q9 | The case of Louis Repouille is an example for:
Q10 | According to the -------------- Euthanasia is usually separated into twocategories:
Q11 | In many jurisdictions, active euthanasia can be considered:
Q12 | In many jurisdictions, ---------------can be considered Manslaughter
Q13 | ---------------------is accepted by professional medical societies, and by thelaw under certain circumstances.
Q14 | --------------- occurs when the medical professionals, or another person,deliberately do something that causes the patient to die.
Q15 | Active euthanasia occurs when the medical professionals --------dosomething that causes the patient to die.
Q16 | Withholding or withdrawing certain treatment and letting a patient to die iscalled:
Q17 | Injecting morphine to kill a incurably ill person is a:
Q18 | Switch off life-support machines- is related with
Q19 | Disconnect a feeding tube- is related with
Q20 | Don't carry out a life-extending operation - is related with
Q21 | Don't give life-extending drugs- is related with
Q22 | The standard ways of distinguishing between active and passive euthanasia
Q23 | The CMA supports ------------is morally permissible in certain circumstances