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This set of Applied Ethics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Applied Ethics Set 13

Q1 | Ultrasound studies have shown that fetuses do in fact start moving as ------------ weeks after fertilization
Q2 | In any case, the capacity for physical motion – or the lack of it – has nothingto do with the seriousness of one’s claim for continued life – Who holds this position?
Q3 | ‘Silent scream’ is related with:
Q4 | Liberalist argued that----------------------- is the morally crucial dividing linebetween the newborn baby and the fetus.
Q5 | --------------- argued that consciousness is the morally crucial dividing linebetween the newborn baby and the fetus.
Q6 | Opponents of abortion really want to uphold the right to life of the humanbeing from ------------------, irrespective of whether it is conscious or not.
Q7 | ----------------- of abortion really want to uphold the right to life of the humanbeing from conception, irrespective of whether it is conscious or not.
Q8 | The conservative is insisting that the development from the embryo to theinfants is a:
Q9 | Who is insisting that the development from the embryo to the infants is agradual process?
Q10 | ‘The laws prohibiting abortion do not stop abortions, but merely drive themunderground’. – Who argues this position?
Q11 | ‘A law that has more bad effects than good ones is a bad law’ – Thisstatement is related with:
Q12 | A law that has more bad effects than good ones is a bad law – Who suggestedthis view?
Q13 | Conservative claim that --------------is the deliberate killing of an innocenthuman being, and in the same ethical category as murder.
Q14 | Who claim that ‘abortion is the deliberate killing of an innocent humanbeing’?
Q15 | Conservatives argued that abortion is as same as:
Q16 | Who is the author of the book On Liberty?
Q17 | John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty give support to the ------------------ feministargument related with abortion.
Q18 | ‘There must remain a realm of private morality and immorality that is, inbrief and crude terms, not the law’s business.’ This view is widely accepted among --------------
Q19 | Peter Singer put ------------ as the criteria for antiabortion stand point insteadof the criteria of Homo sapiens.
Q20 | ‘Not the law’s business’- is:
Q21 | The Greek term Euthanasia means :
Q22 | According to the dictionary, ‘Euthanasia’ means:
Q23 | The term euthanasia normally implies -------------------------of life by another atthe explicit request of the person who wishes to die.
Q24 | Now Euthanasia is generally defined as the act of killing an -----------------outof concern and compassion for that person’s suffering.
Q25 | Euthanasia is sometimes called :