Ancient And Medieval Western Philosophy Set 6

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This set of Ancient and Medieval Western Philosophy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Ancient And Medieval Western Philosophy Set 6

Q1 | Form and matter are the fundamental categories of ---------- philosophy.
Q2 | According to ----------- every individual is a compound of form and matter .
Q3 | God is the ---------- of form.
Q4 | Both Plato and Aristotle accepts ------------- .
Q5 | ---------- thinks that perception in inherently erroneous.
Q6 | According to Aristotle Matter by itself has no ---------- .
Q7 | ------ is regarded as the founder of science.
Q8 | ----------is the author of City of God
Q9 | St. Augustine was influenced by the philosophy of ------------ .
Q10 | ----------- was the founder of epicureanism.
Q11 | Stoics maintained complete --------.
Q12 | According to ----------- the good of man lies in the pusuit of pleasure andavoidance of pain
Q13 | Plato discusses the ideal state in the following dialogue .
Q14 | According to ------- universals are real.
Q15 | According to ----------- universals are concepts.
Q16 | According to ---------------- universals are names.
Q17 | According to ------ Universals are neither in things nor in mind.
Q18 | --------- presents his ontological argument in the Proslogium .
Q19 | ----------------------- accepts platonic realism againt conceptualism.
Q20 | For the ontologic proof ------------ depends on the reality of the Platonic idea.
Q21 | ----------- objected the ontological argument of st. anslem .
Q22 | ---------- advances the ontological proof for the existence of god.
Q23 | “let me believe that I may understand” is the slogan of -------------.
Q24 | ------------------ is an Aristotelian .
Q25 | Summa Contra gentiles is the work by ----------------- .