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This set of E-Content Development Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on E Content Development Set 2

Q1 | What is the name of the popular software used for creating E-Content?
Q2 | What should be done for Search Engine Optimization?
Q3 | Which of the following is the unique element of new media?
Q4 | On-demand programming is ____________________________
Q5 | Internet radio broadcast is otherwise called________________________
Q6 | User interface design
Q7 | Use of Buttons
Q8 | Interactive controlled structure
Q9 | What is the ideal resolution of an image for web
Q10 | Intranet
Q11 | New media
Q12 | Hypermedia
Q13 | Cyber Forensic
Q14 | Embedding
Q15 | copy right
Q16 | Cyber Law
Q17 | Interactive Media
Q18 | User Interface design