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This set of Methodology and Perspectives of Social Sciences Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Methodology And Perspectives Of Social Sciences Set 8

Q1 | ‘Republic’ is the work of
Q2 | According to whom was the universe a machine made up of particlesmoving according to a mechanical law.
Q3 | The master piece of Hobbes
Q4 | ’Leviathan’ was published in the year
Q5 | Hobbes believed that the very principle of the universe is
Q6 | Weber’s social research gives importance to......................
Q7 | ‘The Elements of Law’ was published in the year
Q8 | Thomas Hobbes’ interest in philosophy was greatly stimulated by hisdiscovery of the world of
Q9 | The _________ approach talks about social change as a process occurring atdifferent levelsand proceeding in different directions.
Q10 | ....................... is central to the procedures of scientific method
Q11 | The major task of the state is the preservation of the liberty, peace, safetyand public good of the people- Who commented so?
Q12 | Rousseau believed that refer of society would only be possible if allmembers shared equally in the construction of
Q13 | Whose belief is that man’s original nature was corrupted by society and thatthe only way man could become virtuous, moral being was to totally transformsociety.
Q14 | Rousseau’s focus was on the possibility of
Q15 | Rousseau thought that society was formed as a result of
Q16 | Research can give us sound guideline for the appropriate measure of
Q17 | Not only as a method to understand social reality around us, Social Scienceshelp us to
Q18 | Enlightenment thought laid the ground work for the development of
Q19 | The _____ approach analyses social change as a gradual development from simple tocomplexforms
Q20 | Social Sciences try to understand human behavior and its interaction withthe environment and
Q21 | Which approach examines social change in the context of Indian culture andphilosophy?
Q22 | The _____ approach analyses social change as a gradual development fromsimple to complexforms
Q23 | ” Man lives in a socio- economic and political world and thrives on its variedrelationships. It is inconceivable that the study of bare and isolated events onany aspect of man’s life would yield any meaningful result”- Who stated so?
Q24 | Who among the following used dialectical approach to explain the emergence of nationalismin India
Q25 | A recent trend in Social science research is