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This set of Introduction to Political Science and Governmental Structures and Processes Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Introduction To Political Science And Governmental Structures And Processes Set 1

Q1 | Who is the father of Political Science?
Q2 | Who called Political science as the Master Science?
Q3 | The term city-state is generally associated with
Q4 | Who said man is a social animal
Q5 | Who said that ‘a man who lives outside the polis is either a beast or a God’
Q6 | Political-Parties are indispensable for the successful working of
Q7 | Who wrote the book ‘Republic’?
Q8 | The modern democracy is known as
Q9 | The right to vote is a
Q10 | Who asserted that the state would ultimately wither away
Q11 | A socialist state lays emphasis on
Q12 | Who defined democracy as “Government of the people, by the people, for thepeople”?
Q13 | The head of the state under parliamentary form of government enjoys
Q14 | The framers of the constitution borrowed the idea of fundamental rights from theconstitution of
Q15 | A Bicameral legislature consist of
Q16 | The presidential government operates on the principle of
Q17 | In which of the following forms of government the second chamber is anindispensable part of the legislature?
Q18 | Division of powers between the centre and the states is an essentialfeature of
Q19 | Which one of the following governments operates on the principle ofcollective responsibility?
Q20 | Which of the following is also known as Laissez faire theory?
Q21 | Which kind of right is the right to form Associations
Q22 | One party system is found in
Q23 | Popular Sovereignty means that sovereignty lies with
Q24 | The theory of Surplus Value is associated with
Q25 | The Bible of Communism