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This set of Early Societies in India Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Early Societies In India Set 7

Q1 | ‘Vanik’ is the ………….. word for the traders in ancient India.
Q2 | The French Revolution was in the year of ..................
Q3 | The original belief that one who is sick cannot cure others came to beradically transformed by the bodhisattva ideal, which appeared in the later phase of Buddhism known as …………….
Q4 | Magadha has risen to authority during the reigns of Bimbisara (544 to491 BC) and his son Ajatashatru (491 to 460 BC) of ……. Dynasty.
Q5 | Bimbisara ruled his domain from the city of Rajagriha, now known asRajgir, near Gaya in the state of ………………...
Q6 | ……………..was the last powerful king of Shishunaga Dynasty whoestablished a fort at Pataliputra now known as Patna.
Q7 | Udayan was the last noticeable but not so powerful king of ………..
Q8 | The Nandas were the successors of the ……………...
Q9 | The founder of the …………. dynasty was Mahapadma Nanda.
Q10 | Mahapadma Nanda was described as the son of the last ……… kingMahanandin by a sudra woman.
Q11 | The last of ruler of the Nanda dynasty was ………….., a contemporaryof Alexander.
Q12 | ……… who overthrew the Nanda dynasty with the help of a craftyBrahmin statesman, Kautilya.
Q13 | Maurya Dynasty was ruled into the state of Magadha from the capitalcity at …………...
Q14 | The Mauryan dynasty had disintegrated in ………… by PushyamitraSunga.
Q15 | ……… was a friend, guide and philosopher to Chandra Gupta Maurya.
Q16 | ‘Indica’ is the accounts on India prepared by …………….
Q17 | Megasthenese stayed at the …………… court and noted down hisreflections on the then Indian society.
Q18 | The Brahmi script which was a riddle for a long time was decipheredby ……………… in 1837.
Q19 | James Princep was a civil servant of the English East India Companyin ………….. and the secretary of the Asiatic society.
Q20 | Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of the Mauryan dynasty overthrewthe last Nanda king and occupied his capital …………. in 321 B.C.
Q21 | The first attempt of Chandragupta towards political integration washis war with ………….., the ruler of the area, west of the Indus.
Q22 | ………………, the son and successor of Chandragupta is said to havesubjugated kings and Nobles of about 16 cities and became the master of the territory which lay between Eastern and Western sea.
Q23 | Since ………….. is credited to have conquered Kalinga only, extensionof the Mauryan Empire beyond river Tungabadra is done by his predecessors.
Q24 | The Mauryan control of Deccan and Mysore Plateau must have beenmade a reality by …………...
Q25 | The process of political integration was completed with the conquest ofKalinga by …………. and thus the Mauryan empire was formed.