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This set of Early Societies in India Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Early Societies In India Set 3

Q1 | Many Harappan seals have been discovered in …………….
Q2 | The Indus people had a fairly advanced type of religion. Their chiefdeity was the Mother Goddess ………….
Q3 | There was a male god with three faces in Yogic pose surrounded byfour animals depicted on the ………….. seals. It is identified as the pre-historic Siva or Pasupati.
Q4 | The Indus people were highly interested in arts and crafts. The bronzefigure of the dancing girl found at …………… was an excellent piece of art.
Q5 | The Indus people had developed the art of writing and even developeda script known as …………….
Q6 | ……………. in his book Ancient India says,” The Harappan script is notalphabetical but mainly pictographic”.
Q7 | ………………in ‘The History and Culture of Indian People’, Vol. 1remarks, “The large number of signs precludes the possibility of the script being alphabetic.It was mainly phonetic, most of signs standing for open or close syllables and the remainder functioning as determinates or ideograms”.
Q8 | ………………. in his research work ‘Decipherment of the Indus Script’ says that the Indus people used the phonetic script in the beginningwhich slowly and slowly in the late Harappan period assumed the alphabetic pattern.
Q9 | ………………. is of the view that the Indus script was read from left toright.
Q10 | ………… believes that the Indus script can be read from right to left.
Q11 | According to ……………., “Perhaps the discovery of some bilingualinscriptions in those areas with which the Indus people had close trade relations might give us the right clue to the decipherment of the Indus script”.
Q12 | The word Veda is derived from …… word ‘vid’ which means ‘to know’.
Q13 | …………… are essentially a compilation of prayers and hymns, offeredby different families of poets and sages to various Gods.
Q14 | The OCP was discovered in the archaeological sites of …….. in 1950’s.
Q15 | Black and Red Ware (BRW) have been found at ……… in between OCPand PGW levels during the excavations conducted in the early 1960’s.
Q16 | In Alangirpur and Hasthinapuri, …………. is found associated withPGW, the characteristic feature of Black and Red Ware is the black colour inside and near the rim on the outside and over the rest of the body red colour.
Q17 | The ……… was the oldest and the most important book of the Aryans.
Q18 | The ………….. contains both hymns and commentaries. It describesthe performance of sacrifices.
Q19 | …………… called the Upanishads as, “the most wonderful compositionof human mind”.
Q20 | The Ramayana was composed by the great saint …………...
Q21 | …………… deals with the conflict between the Aryan and non-Aryancivilizations.
Q22 | The ……………. describes the war between the Pandavas and theKauravas. According to tradition, Vyasa was its compiler.
Q23 | There is good archaeological evidence to show that in the centuries following 2000 B.C, north-west India was invaded by some tribes from the west.They were called …………...
Q24 | ………………, suggests the region of the river Devika in Multan as theoriginal home of the Aryans.
Q25 | The …………. mentions one outstanding historical event, i.e. thevictory of King Sudas over the Ten-king confederacy.