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This set of Reading Prose Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Reading Prose Set 11

Q1 | A continuous narrative of a person’s life’s major or interesting events written by himselffor publication is
Q2 | Autobiographies are by nature…..
Q3 | A prose composition with a focused subject of discussion is
Q4 | The word ‘essay’ is derived from
Q5 | The writer who first defined his works as essays was
Q6 | The first work in English that described itself as essays was published by
Q7 | Sensory details are used in
Q8 | …….form of essay is usually used in philosophy
Q9 | The art of public speaking was first developed by…………..
Q10 | The common fear of public speaking is called
Q11 | The written history of a person’s life written by someone else is called
Q12 | Q written history of a person’s life composed by himself in which the emphasis is onone particular phase or on the people and events is
Q13 | A journal is
Q14 | Autobiographies were entitled as …… in antiquity
Q15 | ‘Apologia Pro Vista Sua’ is the autobiography of………
Q16 | Which of the following can be considered as the first fully developed autobiography
Q17 | Confessions is the autobiography of………….
Q18 | Confessions is a……… autobiography
Q19 | According to Benevento Cellini, one should write his autobiography after he is…….yearsold
Q20 | A written history of a person’s life in which he presents a crisis and its resolution in hisdiscovery of his identity as an artist or as a writer is
Q21 | Wordsworth’s autobiography in verse is called
Q22 | Ralph Ellison’s autobiography is titled ……………
Q23 | Daniel Defoe’s ‘Moll Flanders’ can be considered as a
Q24 | An in-depth form of biographical coverage is called…………..
Q25 | Who defined biography as ‘the history of particular men’s lives’