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This set of Micro Economics 1 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Micro Economics 1 Set 13

Q1 | The book ‘Principles of Economics’ was written by:
Q2 | Average revenue is :
Q3 | A hypothesis is a :
Q4 | In the classical system, the basic economic problems are solved by:
Q5 | Growth definition of economics was concerned with:
Q6 | A market:
Q7 | The average fixed cost is obtained by :
Q8 | Average Revenue curve under monopoly is :
Q9 | _______ investigations examine an individual’s relationship with and interaction in society
Q10 | In the 19th century _________ argued that ideas pass through three rising stages namely, Theological, Philosophical and Scientific.
Q11 | _________ is distinctive for much greater use of mathematics than the other social sciences, a development made possible by the development of a concept of utility
Q12 | The most important founder of German sociology, __________ , was keenly interested in maintaining the relationship between economics and sociology.
Q13 | International Social Science Associations were founded under the auspices of___________
Q14 | ________ social science discipline deals with the integration of different aspects of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Human Biology
Q15 | Mannheim defines ________as the sum of those methods by which a society tries to influence human behavior to maintain a given order.
Q16 | Implicit costs are:
Q17 | Which would be an implicit cost for a firm? The cost:
Q18 | If a firm's revenues just cover all its opportunity costs, then:
Q19 | Suppose a firm sells its product at a price lower than the opportunity cost of the inputs used to produce it. Which is true?
Q20 | The short run is a time period in which:
Q21 | When the total product curve is falling, the:
Q22 | When marginal product reaches its maximum, what can be said of total product?
Q23 | Variable costs are:
Q24 | Which is not a fixed cost?
Q25 | If you know that with 8 units of output, average fixed cost is Rs. 12.50 and average variable cost is Rs. 81.25, then total cost at this output level is: