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This set of Mathematical Economics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Mathematical Economics Set 3

Q1 | The set of all possible outcomes of an experiment or measurement is known as
Q2 | conditional mean of Y given X value is denoted as
Q3 | An expected value is the same as
Q4 | The locus of points conditional means of the dependent variable for the fixed values of theexplanatory variables is
Q5 | The regression line or curve passes through
Q6 | E (Y/Xi) = f (Xi) is known as
Q7 | In the regression function E(Y/Xi)=β1+β2Xi, regression coefficients are
Q8 | the regression function E(Y/Xi)=β1+β2Xi is a
Q9 | in the regression function E(Y/Xi)=β1+β2Xi , β1 is
Q10 | in the regression function E(Y/Xi)=β1+β2Xi , β2 is
Q11 | the regression function E(Y/Xi)=β1+β2Xi2 is linear in
Q12 | in the regression function E (Y⁄X ) = β + β X is linear in
Q13 | in the function Yi= β1+β2Xi+ui, the term ui refers to
Q14 | in the function Yi= β1+β2Xi+ui, the term ui is ------- in nature
Q15 | “the descriptions be kept as simple as possible until proved inadequate” corresponds to
Q16 | The rule or formula that tells how to estimate the population parameter from the sampleinformation is called
Q17 | The function Y = β + β X is a
Q18 | the most popular method of constructing sample regression function in the regressionanalysis is
Q19 | the method of ordinary least squares is attributed to
Q20 | If each estimator provides only a single value of the relevant population parameter, it is
Q21 | If each estimator provides a range of possible values relevant population parameter, it is
Q22 | The sample regression line obtained through the OLS method passes through
Q23 | The Gaussian standard classical linear regression model assumes------- assumptions
Q24 | Which is the assumption of Gaussian standard classical linear regression model
Q25 | The numerical value obtained by the estimator in an application is known as