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This set of Mathematical Economics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Mathematical Economics Set 2

Q1 | a mathematical model assumes----- relationship between variables
Q2 | a function that can be represented as straight line graphically is
Q3 | in the function Y=β1+β2X+u, the term ‘u’ is called
Q4 | A model in which regressand is logarithmic is called...............
Q5 | the function Y=β1+β2X+u is an example of
Q6 | confirmation or refutation of economic theories on the basis of sample evidence is based onthe branch of statistical theory called
Q7 | the term regression was first introduced by
Q8 | Reciprocal and log lin models are ............. in variables.
Q9 | the function Y=β1+β2X+u is an example of
Q10 | In the Keynesian linear consumption function Y=β1+β2X, the independent variable is
Q11 | Statistical relationships assumes that variables are
Q12 | A statistical relationship per say cannot logically imply
Q13 | The measure that analyses the degree of linear association between two variables is called
Q14 | In the Keynesian linear consumption function Y=β1+β2X, X represents
Q15 | Correlation analysis is concerned with
Q16 | Correlation theory is based on the assumption of
Q17 | The correlation coefficient between the mathematics and economics was found to be 0.64.What will be the value of correlation coefficient between economics and mathematics
Q18 | the law of universal regression was first introduced by
Q19 | In ------ analysis there is no distinction between dependent and explanatory variables
Q20 | If we are studying the dependence of a variable on a single explanatory variable, the analysisis called
Q21 | If we are studying the dependence of a variable on more than one explanatory variable, theanalysis is called
Q22 | The term “random” is synonym for the term
Q23 | If the data is collected at one point in time, it is called
Q24 | If the data is collected over a period of time, it is called
Q25 | The combination of time series and cross sectional data is known as