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This set of Mathematical Economics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Mathematical Economics Set 1

Q1 | The intercept term,β1, is absent in.................. model.
Q2 | The lin log model and log lin model are ............. in parameters.
Q3 | r2 in intercept less model is.... .............. negative.
Q4 | The slope coefficient ,β2, of ............ model measures elasticity of Y with respect to X.
Q5 | ....................... is a growth model.
Q6 | In regression through the origin model, ......................... is absent.
Q7 | Econometrics is concerned with
Q8 | Which of the following is the combination of economic theory, mathematical economics andeconomic statistics
Q9 | The first step in traditional econometric methodology is
Q10 | Which of the following discipline express the economic theory in mathematical form
Q11 | Keynes postulated ----- relationship between income and consumption
Q12 | In the function, Q= α+βP, the slope coefficient is
Q13 | In the Keynesian linear consumption function Y=β1+β2X, Y represents
Q14 | In the Keynesian linear consumption function Y=β1+β2X, β1 is
Q15 | In the Keynesian linear consumption function Y=β1+β2X, the parameters of the model are
Q16 | In the Keynesian linear consumption function Y=β1+β2X, the marginal propensity toconsume is
Q17 | if the model has only one equation, the model is called
Q18 | if the model has more than one equation, the model is called
Q19 | In the Keynesian linear consumption function Y=β1+β2X, the dependent variable is
Q20 | In the Keynesian linear consumption function Y=β1+β2X, the explanatory variable is
Q21 | the variable appearing on the left side of the equality sign is called
Q22 | In conventional model r2 is .............. negative.
Q23 | the variable appearing on the right side of the equality sign is called
Q24 | independent variables are also known as
Q25 | which is the explanatory variable in the Keynesian consumption function