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This set of History of Animation Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on History Of Animation Set 6

Q1 | Which of the following colours is also called additive colours?
Q2 | Which of the following colors are also called subtractive colors?
Q3 | A …………is a material that changes the color of reflected or transmitted light as the resultof wavelength-selective absorption
Q4 | …………….is the ability to interpret the surrounding environment by processing informationthat is contained in visible light.
Q5 | …………..is the visual distribution of elements in composition.
Q6 | 1. Bitmap images are technically called
Q7 | …………. refers to the number of pixels that describe an image and establish its details
Q8 | ppi stand for…………….
Q9 | CMYK inks are also called
Q10 | CMYK stands for
Q11 | which of the following colours are also called subtractive colours?
Q12 | For print production the most approproiate colour mode is
Q13 | the order in which the layers of an image is organised is called
Q14 | _______ combines all layersinto a single background
Q15 | which of the following is not a blending mode
Q16 | New files in photoshop is generally created with
Q17 | The negative area of space surrounding the columns of type is called the …..area.
Q18 | The ………….color system is based on mixing color pigments.
Q19 | Which one of the following is the art work of M.C.Escher
Q20 | ……….is the presence of an element or a visual relationship that is unlike others thatdominate a composition.
Q21 | A range of style variations based on single typeface design is known as………..
Q22 | Capital or larger letters of a type font is known as…………..
Q23 | ………….is a pictorial image that depicts a simplified representation of an object or activity
Q24 | The……….. tool allows you to select a rectangular or circular area of a layer to change ordelete.
Q25 | Rulers display on the……….of the document window.