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This set of Drawing for Animation Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Drawing For Animation Set 6

Q1 | Perspective gives animated drawings the dimension of................
Q2 | An object seems to come towards the viewer is usually known as....................
Q3 | The ............... as a guide to draw a expression of a cartoon charecer
Q4 | ............. shows the full figure proportions based on a height of head lengths.
Q5 | Use ................. to draw cartoon Character accurately in any position.
Q6 | .......... should be the first step to creating a cartoon character.
Q7 | In character development process fix the basic shape of the figure,then......................
Q8 | ................ is one of the most important factors to consider when constructing aCatoon character
Q9 | The animated cartoon characters is based on the ............... forms.
Q10 | The egg is the basis of a great many cartoon.................
Q11 | All the animation cartoon characters can be reduced to a ..................... formakes them easier to master and ensures uniformaty.
Q12 | The job of an animator is the same as the job of an ................... in live actionpictures.
Q13 | Draw .................. around a charactar masses eo establish the front, side, and tiltof the body and head.
Q14 | Constructing an animated character, it must be visualize as a .......................
Q15 | The head is large in relation to the body. is the speciality of ................... typecharacter.
Q16 | The ............. are important and add expression of rabbit characters.
Q17 | The book “Cartoon animation” By Preston Blair published by_________
Q18 | Who known as “THE ACTION MAN”
Q19 | In FANTASIA 1940, who animated Micky Mouse in the show “SORCERER’SAPPRENTICE”?
Q20 | ___________ is the standard proportion of an erect female figure.
Q21 | Clavicles is also known as ____________
Q22 | Which of the following is the very earlly style followed by disney cartoons ?