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This set of Exercises in Graphics and Animation Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Exercises In Graphics And Animation Set 1

Q1 | Stop motion
Q2 | 2D Animation
Q3 | 3D Animation
Q4 | Claymation
Q5 | Cut out Animation
Q6 | Cell Animation
Q7 | Key Frame
Q8 | Motion Path
Q9 | Text Animation
Q10 | Motion capture
Q11 | Morphing
Q12 | Null.
Q14 | Object Oriented Graphics
Q15 | Opacity
Q16 | Facial Animation
Q17 | Rigging
Q18 | Character Animation
Q19 | Graph Editor
Q20 | Short key of timeline
Q21 | Full form of Swf is.?
Q22 | Audio file formats
Q23 | images using lines and curves
Q24 | Full form of SWf
Q25 | Shock wave file…………..