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This set of Design and Pagination Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Design And Pagination Set 2

Q1 | Paper that, due to mistakes or accidents, must be thrown away instead of delivered printedto the customer, as compared to waste.
Q2 | Initial ideas jotted on virtually anything in regard to initial concept of a future project.
Q3 | The size of the printed material in its finished stage
Q4 | A wide headline extending across the entire page
Q5 | An imaginary line that type rests on_____ a. Cutline b. Baseline c. Byline33. A page element that extends to the trimmed edge of a printed page.
Q6 | A vertical area for type, used to constrain line length to enhance design and readability.
Q7 | Name of the reporter who wrote the story, placed atop the published article.
Q8 | Words, phrases or text blocks used to label part of a map or diagram. (also called factoids)
Q9 | A line or block of type providing descriptive information about a photo; used interchangeablywith cutline.
Q10 | A graphic divide that labels regularly appearing material by packaging the writer's name, thecolumn's name and a small mug or drawing of the writer.
Q11 | A vertical line separating stories or running between legs within a story.
Q12 | A small headline running below the main headline
Q13 | L-shaped columns of text that wrap around art, ads or other stories.
Q14 | Two facing pages on the same sheet of newsprint, treated as one unit.
Q15 | A small, detailed page diagram showing where all elements go.
Q16 | A non-hard news story (a profile, preview, quiz, etc.) often given special design treatment.
Q17 | Elements aligned so they're all even along their left margin.
Q18 | Elements aligned so they're all even along their right margin.
Q19 | A special label for any regularly appearing section, page or story; also called a standing head.
Q20 | Large type running above or beside a story to summarize its content.
Q21 | A large capital letter set at the beginning of a paragraph.
Q22 | Art or text set inside other art or text.
Q23 | A special headline treatment reserved for stories continued from another page.
Q24 | Mechanically spacing out lines of text so they're all even along both right and left margins.
Q25 | A block of information, including staff names and publication date, often printed on theeditorial page.