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This set of Creativity and Design skills Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Creativity And Design Skills Set 4

Q1 | Volume
Q2 | Outline
Q3 | Space
Q4 | Abstract
Q5 | Colour separation
Q6 | Pre press
Q7 | Realism
Q8 | Neo-Realism
Q9 | Impressionism
Q10 | Neo-Impressionism
Q11 | Expressionism
Q12 | Spectrum
Q13 | Intensity
Q14 | Value
Q15 | Tone
Q16 | High Light
Q17 | Reflected Light
Q18 | Fresco
Q19 | Which among the following is a design element?
Q20 | ………. refers to the space of a shape representing the subject matter.
Q21 | Complementary colors are used to create….
Q22 | ………………. are colors that are found side by side on the color wheel, used to createcolor harmony.
Q23 | …………………colors are tints and shades of one color.
Q24 | ………….. colors are a group of colors that consist of reds, yellows, and oranges.
Q25 | ……….. colors are group of colors that consist of purples, greens, and blues.