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This set of Biology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Respiration Set 5

Q1 | Oxidation of a molecule of acetyl CoA produces (RPMT. 1990)
Q2 | Maximum amount of energy/ATP is liberated on oxidation of (AFMC 1984, 1988; CPMT. 1988; CB.S.E. 1994; AMU 1996)
Q3 | R.Q. is ratio of ; (C.B.S.E.’1990;A.P.M.E.E. 1999, Glijarat GET Q.B.)
Q4 | Connecting link between glycolysis and Krebs cycle is/before entering Krebs cycle pyruvate is changed to (A.F.M.C, 1988; CB.S.E. 1992, 1997; R.PMT. 1992; M.P.P.M.T. 1987, 88, 93, 98, 2001, 2002; AMU. 1987, 2001; J.LPME.R; 1989; C.PMT. 1991, 94; D.P.M.T. 1999; A.UMS. 1994, Mampal 200l, BV. 2002, Kerala 2003, 2004)
Q5 | Apparatus to measure rate of respiration and R.Q. is (C.P.M.T. 1991; C.B.S.E. 1992)
Q6 | Terminal cytochrome of respiratory chain which donates electrons to oxygen is (CPMT 1989; CBSE, 1992)
Q7 | R.Q. is maximum when respiratory substrate is (MPPMT. 1992; A.U.M.S. 1992)
Q8 | End product of citric add/Krebs cycle is (CBSE. 1993; Har. P.M.T. 1994)
Q9 | Krebs cycle is (AMU. 1993)
Q10 | Most of the biological energy is supplied by mitochondria through (M.P.PMT.1994, AMU. 1998)
Q11 | Which one is a product of glycolysis, besides 2 ATP ? (CPMT. 1995; M.P.PMT. 1998)
Q12 | The site of Krebs cycle in bacteria is (Bihar P.M.T. 1995)
Q13 | Which is the product of aerobic respiration? (A.F.M.C 1995)
Q14 | Which one can respire in the absence of oxygen ? (R.P.M.T. 1996)
Q15 | Lactic acid fermentation does not produce (A.UMS. 1996; Pb. P.M.T. 1997; AMU. 1999)
Q16 | Electron transport system of mitochondria is located in (M.P.PMT. 1997, CPMT. 1999, R.PMT.2000)
Q17 | In bacteria the site for respiration is (CB.S.E. 1997)
Q18 | Which is wrong about cytochrome P-450 ? (C.B.S.E. 1998)
Q19 | Production of alcohol by Yeast fermentation is ....... process (Pb. P.M.T. 1998)
Q20 | In glycolysis, enzyme enolasc produces (AM.U. 1999)
Q21 | Oxygen is reduced to water in (Kerala 2000,2006)
Q22 | Cytochrome is (C.B.S.E. 2001)
Q23 | Isocitric acid is changed to ?-oxalosucinic acid by (Tamil.Nadu2001)
Q24 | In respiration (Manipal 2002)
Q25 | Glycolysis takes place in (A.F.M.C 2003)