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This set of Biology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Heredity and Variation Set 5

Q1 | Test cross in plants or in Drosophilia involves crossing AIPMT - 2011
Q2 | Which one of the following conditions of the Zygotic cell would lead to the birth of a normal human female child? AIPMT - 2011
Q3 | F2 generation in a Mendelian cross showed that both genotypic and phenotypic ratios are same as 1 : 2 : 1 . It represents in case of AIPMT - 2012
Q4 | A normal - Visioned man whose father was colourblind, marries a woman whose father was also colourblind. They have their first child as a daughter. What are the chances that this child would be colourblind?
Q5 | A test cross is carried out to AIPMT - 2012
Q6 | Represented below is the inheritance pattern of a certain type of trait in humans. Which one of the following conditions could be an example of this pattern?
Q7 | A cross between AaBB X aaBB yields a genotypic ratio of AIPMT - 1990
Q8 | Which of the following is non - heritable? AIPMT - 1995
Q9 | Dihybrid cross proves the law of AIPMT - 1992
Q10 | In a dihybrid cross between AABB and aabb the ratio of AABB, AABb, aaBb, aabb in F2 generation is
Q11 | The allele which is unable to express its effect in the presence of another is called AIPMT - 1991
Q12 | Which person is suffering from disease according to given sentences ?
Q13 | What is the location of Salmonella typhi during diseased condition ?
Q14 | Which test is carried out if disease is occured by salmonella typhi ?
Q15 | Generally streptococcus pneumoniae causes pneumonia but which bacteria is responsible for this diseare ?
Q16 | Chhaganbhai is suffering from fever, then which kind of organism responsible for it ?
Q17 | Duration of fever occured by plasmodium malarie is _______
Q18 | From which kind of host life cycle of plasmodium passes ?
Q19 | What is responsible for malaria...?
Q20 | The spherical from of metacryptomezoites is called _____
Q21 | What is improper for ringworm disease.
Q22 | In figure what is indicated by "P" ?
Q23 | Give the name of scientist who are concern with interferon word.
Q24 | At Which time interferon is secreted ?
Q25 | Which is the process of biological control,which is for controlling to spread the diseare caused by mosquitoes.?