Growth and Development in Plants Set 5

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This set of Biology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Growth and Development in Plants Set 5

Q1 | Movement of cilia in Drocera, depends on which factor ?
Q2 | Which are the labelled part A and B ?
Q3 | Which is the labelled part A and B given in the figure ?
Q4 | Which are the part labelled as A, B and C sequentially in the figure ?
Q5 | Mention part A and B, labelled in the figure.
Q6 | If cells obtain ability of cell division in certain circumstances, it is called .........
Q7 | In certain condition, dividing cell, loose their ability of cell division, it is called .......
Q8 | What is A and B in the given figure ?
Q9 | Which organic chemicals are included in shoot with photoperiodism ? (AIIMS-1996)
Q10 | Motor cells of leaves and grass, shows which type of movement ? (AIIMS-1996)
Q11 | Which activity in plant is observed due to ethylene ?
Q12 | Which of the following type is improper for nastism ?
Q13 | Which of the following is incorrect for tropism ?
Q14 | What is the direction of tropism ?
Q15 | Which of the example is improper for tropic movement ?
Q16 | With, what nutation is related ?
Q17 | Match the list :_ans_key_Column I Column II_ans_key_(P) Volvox (i) Chemotaxis_ans_key_(Q) Mimosa (ii) Phototaxis_ans_key_(R) Antherozoids of bryophytes (iii) Movement / tropism_ans_key_(S) Leaf tendril (iv) Thigmotropism
Q18 | Match the list :_ans_key_Column I Column II_ans_key_(P) Plasmodium of slime mould (i) Ciliary movement_ans_key_(Q) Chlamydomonas algae (ii) Circular movement_ans_key_(R) protoplasm of tradenschantia leaf (iii) Rotational movement_ans_key_(S) Protoplasm of hydrilla (iv) Amoeboid movement leaves
Q19 | Match the following :_ans_key_Column I Column II_ans_key_(P) Zoospore of volvox (i) Thermo taxis_ans_key_(Q) Antherozoids of bryophytes and pteridophytes (ii) Thigmo taxis_ans_key_(R) Diatoms (iii) Photo taxis_ans_key_(S) Zoospores in oedogonium (iv) Chemo taxis
Q20 | Match the following :_ans_key_Column I Column II_ans_key_(P) Opening of leaf blade (i) Epinasty_ans_key_(Q) Closing of leaves (ii) Hyponasty_ans_key_(R) Zigzag movement in apical bud (iii) Nutation_ans_key_(S) Spiral and helical growth of tendrilar plants (iv) Circumnutation_ans_key_(T) Pulsation in leaflets of indian telegraph plant (v) Variation
Q21 | Match the list :_ans_key_Column I Column II_ans_key_(P) Phototropism (i) Water_ans_key_(Q) Geotropism (ii) Gravitation_ans_key_(R) Hydrotropism (iii) Light_ans_key_(S) Thigmotropism (iv) Touch
Q22 | Match the list :_ans_key_Column I Column II_ans_key_(P) Lotus and sunflower (i) Hydronasty_ans_key_(Q) Crocus and tulip (ii) Thigmonasty_ans_key_(R) Due to turgidity of leauses (iii) Thermonasty_ans_key_(S) Mimosa (iv) Photonasty
Q23 | Covering surrouding embryo contain growth inhibitor hormone for .......... dormancy.
Q24 | In which type of dormancy, due to hardness of seed coats or integuments, embryo could not expandduring germination ?
Q25 | Which type of dormancy is found when seed is impermeable to water or gaseous exchange ?