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This set of Biology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Ecosystem Set 1

Q1 | What does following diagram indicate ?
Q2 | Which option is not correct for the given diagram ?
Q3 | A Snake feed on frog, the hawk feed on this snake. What is the place of snake in foodchain?
Q4 | What is correct for the given diagram?
Q5 | Orchid living on the tree is an example of ..............?
Q6 | Population of which of the following will be highest in the foodchain?
Q7 | System resulting from interaction of all the known living factors and populaton of all the species of a unit area is...
Q8 | Which of the following is the correct statement for food chain?
Q9 | Which of the following uses maximum energy?
Q10 | Through, whoch of the following, enery enters in an ecosyslem?
Q11 | Why is algae placed in first place of food chain ?
Q12 | In which of the following wheat eating pegions included ?
Q13 | which of the following is placed in upper most (highest) level of ecological pyramids.
Q14 | As we proceed in food chain, bio-mass.....
Q15 | In ecosystem the source of energy is....
Q16 | Who is primary consumer of biotic community ?
Q17 | In which of the following weeds are placed ?
Q18 | When does the energy flow start in an ecosystem ?
Q19 | which of the following option is correct for storage place phosphorus and nitrogen respectively ?
Q20 | An individual ''x'' uses mashroom as food then in which trophic level mashroom and''x'' are included?Mashroom X Foodchain
Q21 | Which of the following is trophic level of the orchid staying on mango tree ?
Q22 | It is correct for ecosystem.......
Q23 | What is the original source of energy for the living organisms ?
Q24 | In which of the following curd eating people are included ?
Q25 | The functional efficiency of ecosystem is effected when decomposers are removed from it, because..