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This set of International Business Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Introduction to International Trade

Q1 | What are the four factor endowments?
  • national resources, labor, physical capital and human capital
  • types of technology
  • material inputs used up in the process of production
  • international differences in climate
Q2 | The Heckscher- Ohlin model is principally focused on what aspect of economics?
  • international trade
  • supply and demand
  • normative economics
  • production possibility frontier
Q3 | A no-trade world will have which of the following characteristics:
  • countries will have same relative endowments of production factors
  • consumers across countries will have identical and homogenous tastes
  • there will be no distortions or externalities
  • all of the above
Q4 | Transportation cost of trade affects:
  • pattern of trade
  • boundaries between tradable and non-tradable goods
  • global supply chains
  • all of the above
Q5 | International Trade is most likely to generate short-term unemployment in:
  • industries in which there are neither imports nor exports
  • import-competing industries
  • industries that sell to domestic and foreign buyers.
  • industries that sell to only foreign buyers
Q6 | What was the first economic theory of international trade to be developed?
  • the theory of mercantilism
  • the theory of comparative advantage
  • the theory of absolute advantage
  • the heckscher-ohlin theory
Q7 | According to Adam Smith, the trade between countries should happen _____.
  • naturally according to the market forces
  • under government regulation
  • using factors that are available
  • only when a country has an absolute advantage
Q8 | If a nation has an open economy it means that the nation:
  • allows private ownership of capital.
  • has flexible exchange rates
  • has fixed exchange rates
  • conducts trade with other countries
Q9 | International trade forces domestic firms to become more competitive in terms of
  • the introduction of new products
  • product design and quality
  • product price
  • all of the above
Q10 | The movement to free international trade is most likely to generate short-term unemployment in whichindustries
  • industries in which there are neither imports nor exports
  • import-competing industries.
  • industries that sell to domestic and foreign buyers
  • industries that sell to only foreign buyers
Q11 | According to the principle of comparative advantage:
  • south korea should export steel
  • south korea should export steel and dvds
  • japan should export steel
  • japan should export steel and dvds
Q12 | Country A has an absolute advantage in
  • product x
  • product y
  • neither x nor y
  • both x and y
Q13 | Globalization refers to:
  • lower incomes worldwide
  • less foreign trade and investment
  • global warming and their effects
  • a more integrated and interdependent world
Q14 | Comparative Cost Trade Theory is given by
  • adam smith
  • david ricardo
  • gottfried haberle
  • heckscher ohlin
Q15 | ……………...is the payment method most often used in International Trade which offers the exporter bestassurance of being paid for the products sold internationally.
  • bill of lading
  • letter of credit
  • open account
  • drafts
Q16 | Key controllable factors in global marketing are:
  • government policy and legislation
  • social and technical changes
  • marketing activities and plans
  • all of the above.
Q17 | The first phase of globalization started around 1870 and ended with …..
  • world war i
  • world war ii
  • the establishment of gatt
  • in 1913 when gdp was high
Q18 | According to this theory, the holdings of a country’s treasure primarily in the form of gold constituted itswealth.
  • gold theory
  • ricardo theory
  • mercantilism
  • hecksher theory
Q19 | The Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage is given by
  • david ricardo
  • adam smith
  • f w taylor
  • ohlin and heckscher
Q20 | The Theory of Relative Factor Endowments is given by
  • david ricardo
  • adam smith
  • c. f w taussig
  • ohlin and hecksher
Q21 | The theory of comparative cost advantage is given by
  • david ricardo
  • adam smith
  • f w taussig
  • ohlin and heckscher
Q22 | A multinational is a firm that controls and manages production facilities in
  • both developed and developing countries
  • at least two countries
  • one country but relies on multiple markets for the consumption of goods it produces
  • at least two developed countries and one developing country
Q23 | Locational advantages are based on which combination of the following specific country characteristics
  • a large reserve of natural resources, a large local market and efficiency opportunities
  • a small reserve of natural resources, a large local market and efficiency opportunities
  • a small reserve of natural resources, a small local market and efficiency opportunities
  • a large reserve of natural resources, a small local market and efficiency opportunities
Q24 | Horizontal integration occurs when
  • firm creates singular country production facilities, each of which produces different good or goods
  • firm creates multiple production facilities, each of which produces the same good or goods.
  • firm creates multiple production facilities, each of which produces different good or goods
  • firm creates singular country facilities, each of which produces the same good or goods
Q25 | Which of the following would be an example of foreign direct investment from the United States toTaiwan?
  • a u.s. bank buys bonds issued by a taiwan computer manufacturer.
  • a u.s. car manufacturer enters into a contract with a taiwan firm to make and sell it spark plugs.
  • microsoft hires a taiwanese computer programmer to debug some software for it.
  • the state of california rents space in taipei for one of its employees to use promoting tourism in