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This set of Human Computer Interaction HCI Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Human Computer Interaction Set 7

Q1 | In a co-discovery test:
  • the user works togther with the facilitator
  • two users explore an interfacetogether.
  • nothing shows issue.
  • a structured walkthrough discovers problems.
Q2 | What are the pros (advantages) when usingquestionnaires as opposed to interviews?
  • easy to analyse andcompare.
  • easy to repeat.
  • can reach a widesubject group.
  • all of the above
Q3 | In the following data set, which number is themode? 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 8
  • 5
  • 5.5
  • 6
  • none of the above.
Q4 | What is an "affordance" according to Norman (1999):
  • property of an object that indicates to people how to use the object.
  • the return on investment of the user­centr ed design process.
  • the opportunity cost of not using user­centred design.
  • an instruction on an interface signalling how to use the interface.
Q5 | According to Rogers et al. (2011) what was theprimary reason for the success of the iPod?
  • powerfulfunctionality
  • user experience
  • access to content
  • conceptual design
Q6 | Which of the following is a design implication of our understanding of human attention?
  • tactile feedback should make the same kinds of distinctions that a
    person would feel in the world (e.g. pushing vs. pulling)
  • text should be legible and distinguishable from its background under
    differe nt lightingconditions.
  • avoid cluttering the interface with more information than is needed at
    the present moment for the user.
  • none of the above.
Q7 | A question format that collects users opinions on averbal scale (eg. strongly disagree to strongly agree) is called what?
  • a psychometric scale
  • a likert scale
  • a questionnaire
  • an open-response questionnaire item.
Q8 | Sequential or series testing is
  • running the system with line data by the actual user
  • testing changes made in an existing or a newprogram
  • is checking the logic of one or more programs in the candidate system
  • making sure that the new programs do in fact process certain transactions accordingto specifications
Q9 | Which of the following is the estimated amount of time required to complete a task, based on a weighted average of pessimistic, optimistic, andexpected duration?
  • minimal duration
  • earliest completion
  • weighted average duration
  • most likely duration
Q10 | Regarding gear-up accidents:
  • pilots frequently lowered the landing gear instead of the flaps after take-off.
  • lt. alphonse chapanis dicovered the cause of theproblem in 1975.
  • the flap control knobs were replaced by beer tap handles.
  • shape-coded wheel and flap controls are still used today.
Q11 | Which of these belong to the four criteria used to critique a cognitive walkthrough success or failure story:
  • will the user be trying to achieve the right effect?
  • will the user know that the correct action is available and will achieve thedesired effect?
  • . if the correct action is taken, will the user see that things are going ok?
  • all of above
Q12 | Regarding the measurement of usability attributes:
  • reliability is measured by performing common use cases
  • errors are measured by counting minor and catastrophic errors made byusers.
  • learnability is determined by measuring the time it takes to explain an interface to a new user
  • users are needed to measure efficiency
Q13 | Which of the following techniques can teachyou a few things about a thousandpeople?
  • cognitivewalkthrough
  • marketresearchy
  • affinity diagram
  • contextual inquir
Q14 | Panes, frames and other containers on screen is akind of
  • functional and dataelements
  • view
  • input method
  • none of the given
Q15 |                is particularly useful early in design. It is excellent technique to use with the prototype, because it provides a wealth of diagnosticinformation
  • co-discovery
  • active intervention
  • splendid research
  • none of the given
Q16 | To reconstruct a system, which of the followingkey element(s) must be considered :
  • outputs and inputs
  • control andprocessors.
  • feedback andenvironment
  • all of the above
Q17 | What is true for vertical protoyping?
  • it is a particular kindof working prototype.
  • it provides full interface features.
  • . it is designed to showhow much vertical scrolling is acceptable
  • . it provides critical functionality.
Q18 | Regarding paper prototypes:
  • low-fidelity paper prototypes are hand- drawn sketches and designed to bethrown away
  • high-fidelity paper prototypes look too much like a finisheddesign.
  • high-fidelity paper prototypes are designed on-screen and then printed out in colour.
  • all of the above.
Q19 | Regarding constraints:
  • they are based on the idea that the difficulty of dealing with a novel situation is related to the number ofpossibilities.
  • they can be divided into physical, semantic, political, and logicalconstraints.
  • the trash can was used to eject a diskette.
  • they describe the range of possible actions
Q20 | Which of the following is the most likely interfacemetaphor used by a smart phone calendar function?
  • restaurant menu
  • touchscreen interface
  • a paper diary
  • mobile technology
Q21 | Which of the following is not a characteristic of good test data
  • should be comprehensive
  • every statement should beexecuted
  • users do not participate at this preliminary stage
  • all of the above
Q22 | Which of these factors influence a user’sconceptual model?
  • familiarity withsimilar devices.
  • constraints.
  • instructions.
  • all of the above
Q23 | Formative Evaluation:
  • helps improve an interface design
  • involves collecting processdata.
  • helps find reasons for things that went wrong
  • all of the above
Q24 | Regarding personas:
  • a primary persona needs their own interface
  • . multiple secondary personas are combined into aprimary persona.
  • a persona represents an average user.
  • a persona represents the elastic user.
Q25 | If the user wants to _                 place the document somewhere in the file system hierarchy, he can request this function from themenu.
  • explicitly
  • implicitly
  • habitually
  • properly