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This set of Machine Learning (ML) Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Machine Learning Set 2

Q1 | Like the probabilistic view, the ________ view allows us to associate a probability of membership with each classification.
  • exampler
  • deductive
  • classical
  • inductive
Q2 | Database query is used to uncover this type of knowledge.
  • deep
  • hidden
  • shallow
  • multidimensional
Q3 | Some telecommunication company wants to segment their customers into distinct groups ,this is an example of
  • supervised learning
  • reinforcement learning
  • unsupervised learning
  • data extraction
Q4 | In the example of predicting number of babies based on stork's population ,Number of babies is
  • outcome
  • feature
  • observation
  • attribute
Q5 | Which learning Requires Self Assessment to identify patterns within data?
  • unsupervised learning
  • supervised learning
  • semisupervised learning
  • reinforced learning
Q6 | Select the correct answers for following statements.1. Filter methods are much faster compared to wrapper methods.2. Wrapper methods use statistical methods for evaluation of a subset of features while Filter methods use cross validation.
  • both are true
  • 1 is true and 2 is false
  • both are false
  • 1 is false and 2 is true
Q7 | The "curse of dimensionality" referes
  • all the problems that arise when working with data in the higher dimensions, that did not exist in the lower dimensions.
  • all the problems that arise when working with data in the lower dimensions, that did not exist in the higher dimensions.
  • all the problems that arise when working with data in the lower dimensions, that did not exist in the lower dimensions.
  • all the problems that arise when working with data in the higher dimensions, that did not exist in the higher dimensions.
Q8 | In simple term, machine learning is
  • training based on historical data
  • prediction to answer a query
  • both a and b??
  • automization of complex tasks
Q9 | If machine learning model output doesnot involves target variable then that model is called as
  • descriptive model
  • predictive model
  • reinforcement learning
  • all of the above
Q10 | Following are the descriptive models
  • clustering
  • classification
  • association rule
  • both a and c
Q11 | Different learning methods does not include?
  • memorization
  • analogy
  • deduction
  • introduction
Q12 | A measurable property or parameter of the data-set is
  • training data
  • feature
  • test data
  • validation data
Q13 | Feature can be used as a
  • binary split
  • predictor
  • both a and b??
  • none of the above
Q14 | It is not necessary to have a target variable for applying dimensionality reduction algorithms
  • true
  • false
Q15 | The most popularly used dimensionality reduction algorithm is Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Which of the following is/are true about PCA? 1. PCA is an unsupervised method2. It searches for the directions that data have the largest variance3. Maximum number of principal components <= number of features4. All principal components are orthogonal to each other
  • 1 & 2
  • 2 & 3
  • 3 & 4
  • all of the above
Q16 | Which of the following is a reasonable way to select the number of principal components "k"?
  • choose k to be the smallest value so that at least 99% of the varinace is retained. - answer
  • choose k to be 99% of m (k = 0.99*m, rounded to the nearest integer).
  • choose k to be the largest value so that 99% of the variance is retained.
  • use the elbow method
Q17 | Which of the folllowing is an example of feature extraction?
  • construction bag of words from an email
  • applying pca to project high dimensional data
  • removing stop words
  • forward selection
Q18 | Prediction is
  • the result of application of specific theory or rule in a specific case
  • discipline in statistics used to find projections in multidimensional data
  • value entered in database by expert
  • independent of data
Q19 | PCA works better if there is1. A linear structure in the data2. If the data lies on a curved surface and not on a flat surface3. If variables are scaled in the same unit
  • 1 and 2
  • 2 and 3
  • 1 and 3
  • 1,2 and 3
Q20 | A student Grade is a variable F1 which takes a value from A,B,C and D. Which of the following is True in the following case?
  • variable f1 is an example of nominal variable
  • variable f1 is an example of ordinal variable
  • it doesn\t belong to any of the mentioned categories
  • it belongs to both ordinal and nominal category
Q21 | What can be major issue in Leave-One-Out-Cross-Validation(LOOCV)?
  • low variance
  • high variance
  • faster runtime compared to k-fold cross validation
  • slower runtime compared to normal validation
Q22 | Imagine a Newly-Born starts to learn walking. It will try to find a suitable policy to learn walking after repeated falling and getting up.specify what type of machine learning is best suited?
  • classification
  • regression
  • kmeans algorithm
  • reinforcement learning
Q23 | Support Vector Machine is
  • logical model
  • proababilistic model
  • geometric model
  • none of the above