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This set of Android Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Android Set 4

Q1 | The android OS comes with many useful system services, which include processes you can easily ask for things such as your..
  • all of these and more.
  • location
  • sensor readings
  • wifi? hot spots
Q2 | What does the Gargenta mean in his Design Philosophy when he says that the project will, “Always be whole and complete”?
  • he means that when we finish the entire project we will have a working application, even though there will be points along the way when we will stop and the application will not run.
  • he means that the program must always be able to compile.
  • he means that we will work on the program by adding self contained chunks to it so that at every stopping point the application runs as though it were a whole and complete application. each additional chunk simply adds a new functionality to the application.
  • none of the above
Q3 | An Android application is a loose collection of content providers, activities, broadcast receivers, and services.
  • true
  • false
Q4 | Which of the following is NOT an activity we will be creating for the YAMBA project?
  • preferences activity
  • update activity
  • timeline activity
  • status activity
Q5 | The timeline receiver will receive messages from the Android system.
  • true
  • false
Q6 | Status data will be exposed to the rest of the Android system via:
  • intents
  • a content provider
  • network receivers
  • altering permissions
Q7 | If the UI begins to behave sluggishly or crash while making network calls, this is likely due to…
  • network latency
  • hardware malfunctions
  • virus on the server
  • activity manager contains too much.
Q8 | How does Gargenta approach the problem of the app acting sluggishly due to network latency?
  • starting over
  • switching api levels
  • refactoring code
  • multithreading