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This set of Social Psychology 1 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Social Psychology 1 Set 3

Q1 | A negative correlation between degree of wealth and the likelihood of being involved in criminal activity would indicate that
  • poverty makes people more likely to commit a crime
  • the poor are more likely to be involved in criminal activity than are the wealthy
  • being involved in criminal activity usually prevents people from accumulating wealth
  • all of the above are necessarily true
Q2 | In a research study investigating the effects of stress on the desire to affiliate, half of the participants complete an easy test of mental ability and half complete a difficult test. What techniqueshould the investigators use to ensure that any posttestdifferences in the group's desire to affiliate actually result from the differences in test difficulty?
  • random sampling
  • random assignment
  • replication
  • none of the above
Q3 | There is a strong relationship between dating frequency andphysical attractiveness
  • for males.
  • for females.
  • for both males and females.
  • beyond the initial stage of attraction.
Q4 | Which is TRUE regarding choosing a mate?
  • people who marry are highly similar in age, education, race, religion, and ethnic background.
  • the highest correlation between people who marry involves their temperaments.
  • in the united states kindness and understanding are ranked as being the least important qualities in a mate.
  • men rate physical attractiveness as a less important quality
Q5 | The study in which college students attached a bumper sticker for a militant black organization to their cars and thenreceived frequent traffic citations demonstrates
  • group prejudice.
  • scapegoating.
  • personal prejudice.
  • discrimination.
Q6 | When we perform well, we typically attribute our success to__________.
  • internal characteristics
  • our group of colleagues
  • external circumstances
  • our personality type
Q7 | Which is true of social stereotypes?
  • they are always negative.
  • they tend to be rational.
  • likable members of a rejected group are perceived as an "exception.
  • university students show more evidence of ethnic stereotyping now than they did in the past.
Q8 | A __________ group is a group based on social comparison.
  • focus
  • personal identification
  • reference
  • comparison
Q9 | The degree of attraction among group members relates tothe dimension of
  • compatibility.
  • structure.
  • cohesiveness.
  • conformity.
Q10 | According to the theory of cognitive dissonance, attitudes are changed because
  • emotionally persuasive arguments unfreeze beliefs.
  • logical arguments alter the belief component of an attitude.
  • clashing thoughts cause discomfort.
  • acting contrary to one\s beliefs for a large reward causes dissonance.
Q11 | An example of a superordinate goal is
  • getting good grades.
  • making money.
  • making friends.
  • protecting clean water supplies.
Q12 | You are walking into a store when a man rudely cuts in front of you, almost shoving you, so that he may enter the store first. "What a jerk!" you think to yourself. As you enter the store, yousee the same man performing an emergency tracheotomy on a women with a collapsed windpipe. You have just
  • discounted a person\s actions due to situational demands.
  • self-handicapped.
  • overemphasized the object in this action sequence.
  • made the fundamental attribution error.
Q13 | According to evolutionary psychologists,
  • women tend to be concerned with whether mates will devote time and resources to a relationship.
  • men place less emphasis on physical attractiveness.
  • women place more emphasis on sexual fidelity.
  • men are biologically driven to have multiple partners.
Q14 | In North America, male friendships are __________ based and female friendships are __________ .
  • activity; based on sharing feelings.
  • attraction; based on activity
  • feeling; based on activity
  • activity; based on attraction
Q15 | Which statement about physical attractiveness is FALSE?
  • beauty is a factor mainly in initial acquaintances.
  • looks are less related to dating frequency for men than for women.
  • for men, there is little relationship between attractiveness and the achievement of status.
  • for marriage partners there is a tendency for attractive men
Q16 | Moderate self-disclosure typically leads to
  • competence matching.
  • rejection.
  • romantic attraction.
  • reciprocity.
Q17 | Aggression is best defined as
  • hostility.
  • anger.
  • any action carried out with the intent of harming another person.
  • none of these
Q18 | The __________ hypothesis states that frustration tends to leadto aggression.
  • frustration-aggression
  • biological instinct
  • social learning
  • cognitive dissonance
Q19 | Arabs are typically depicted in the media as oil-rich but ignorant and savage. In a time of war with an Arab country, thisimage would be used
  • to make it easier for soldiers to kill the enemy.
  • to educate the population regarding the enemy.
  • to strip away the emotional insulation of our soldiers.
  • very little, since previous attempts at dehumanizing (during w.w.ii, for example) were ineffective.
Q20 | A compulsion by decision makers to maintain each other'sapproval, even at the cost of critical thinking and good judgment, is called
  • the halo effect.
  • expert power.
  • groupthink.
  • social conformity.
Q21 | For most American adults, an invisible spatial envelopedefining their most intimate space
  • extends four feet from their body.
  • extends an "arm\s reach" from their body.
  • is reserved for comfortable interactions with friends.
  • extends about 18 inches out from their body.
Q22 | Prejudice based on displaced aggression represents a form of
  • projection.
  • discrimination.
  • scapegoating.
  • authoritarianism.
Q23 | Social position in a group determines one's
  • competence.
  • autokinetic norms.
  • role.
  • usefulness.
Q24 | With regard to the effects of TV on children, we can concludethat
  • tv has little effect on the behavior of children.
  • tv only increases aggressive behavior in children.
  • tv only increases prosocial behavior in children.
  • the amount of tv viewing may be related to aggressive behavior later in life.
Q25 | If everyone leaves five minutes before the game is over to avoid a traffic jam, the resulting traffic jam would be an exampleof
  • social impregnation.
  • a social trap.
  • groupthink.
  • self-handicapping.