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This set of Social Psychology 1 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Social Psychology 1 Set 2

Q1 | In comparison to the sociologist, the social psychologist
  • is more likely to study the social causes of behavior
  • is more likely to study individuals than groups
  • gives less attention to our internal functioning
  • relies more heavily on correlational research
Q2 | In comparison to personality psychology, social psychology
  • has a shorter history
  • is more concerned with the biological causes of behavior
  • is more likely to use case studies in theory development
  • has greater concern for differences between individuals
Q3 | In comparison to personality psychology, social psychology
  • focuses more on our common humanity
  • has more famous, well-known theorists
  • is an older specialty within the discipline of psychology
  • provides more "grand" or comprehensive theories of human functioning
Q4 | Most social-psychological research is conducted either in the field or in the ______________________ and is either correlational or________________________.
  • clinic; survey
  • laboratory; experimental
  • laboratory; survey
  • clinic; experimental
Q5 | Survey researchers obtain a representative group
  • through random assignment
  • by selecting at least 2000 respondents to be interviewed
  • by taking a random sample
  • either through telephone books or automobile registrations
Q6 | The great strength of _____________________ is that it tends to occur in real-world settings where it can examine questionsregarding important factors like race, sex, and social status.
  • correlational research
  • field experimentation
  • laboratory experimentation
  • quasi-experimentation
Q7 | Which of the following distinguishes the correlational methodfrom experimentation?
  • the correlational method uses a smaller group of subjects
  • the correlational method enables researchers to study social attitudes
  • no attempt is made to systematically manipulate one or more factors with the correlational method
  • the findings from the correlational method are more likely to
Q8 | Random assignment means that each person taking part in an experiment must
  • have an equal chance of being in a given condition in theexperiment
  • be assigned to all the conditions of the experimental treatment
  • be randomly selected from the larger population
  • be given random responses to the experimenter\s questions
Q9 | The experimental factor that the experimenter manipulates iscalled the _______________ variable.
  • dependent
  • control
  • independent
  • experimental
Q10 | In an experiment, the variable being measured is called the__________________ variable.
  • control
  • independent
  • experimental
  • dependent
Q11 | The experimental method is used in about ___________________________ of all social-psychological researchstudies.
  • one-fourth
  • one-half
  • three-fourths
  • nine-tenths
Q12 | Hypotheses are best characterized as
  • axioms
  • principles
  • predictions
  • conclusions
Q13 | According to the text, ___________________________ tends to make people overconfident about the validity of their judgmentsand predictions.
  • the fundamental attribution error
  • illusory correlation
  • the naturalistic fallacy
  • the hindsight bias
Q14 | In an experimental study of the effects of failure on selfesteem, self-esteem would be the
  • control condition
  • independent variable
  • dependent variable
  • experimental condition
Q15 | The text suggests that adjectives such as "self-actualized," "mature," and "well-adjusted" demonstrate
  • how psychological concepts have hidden values
  • how psychological concepts are individualistic
  • an inordinate concern with mental health
  • how personality psychologists are more influential than social psychologists
Q16 | According to the text, the fact that human thinking alwaysinvolves interpretation
  • provides a valid reason for dismissing science
  • is precisely why we need scientific analysis
  • is a reason for preferring experimental over correlational research
  • has been more frequently recognized by those in the sciences than by those in the humanities
Q17 | The naturalistic fallacy provides an example of
  • the hindsight bias
  • how values penetrate the work of the scientist
  • how commonsense notions are often wrong
  • how naturalistic observation is unable to answer questions about cause-effect relationships
Q18 | In comparison to North American social psychologists, European social psychologists tend to give more attention to the_______________ levels of explanation.
  • intrapersonal and interpersonal
  • intergroup and societal
  • interpersonal and intergroup
  • intrapersonal and societal
Q19 | Who of the following is most likely to study how religiousattitudes develop within the typical individual?
  • a sociologist
  • a social worker
  • a social psychologist
  • a theologian
Q20 | Who of the following would be most likely to study how the political attitudes of middle-class people differ from those oflower-class people?
  • a personality psychologist
  • a social psychologist
  • a social biologist
  • a sociologist
Q21 | You would like to know the relationship between the number of psychology courses people take and their interpersonal sensitivity. You survey university students to determine how much psychology they have taken and then have them complete a testof social sensitivity. Finally you plot the relationship. This is an example of
  • a laboratory experiment
  • a field experiment
  • a correlational study
  • participant observation
Q22 | The telephone company wants to survey its 100,000 customers. Four proposals for sampling the customers are being considered. Which would you recommend?
  • interview every 75th person listed in the telephone directory
  • mail a questionnaire to all 100,000 customers and assume at least 1200 will respond
  • interview the people in every 50th residence from a postal listing of all addresses
  • interview those 1000 persons with the highest phone bills
Q23 | A research psychologist manipulates the level of fear in human subjects in the laboratory and then examines what effectthe different levels of fear have on the subjects' reaction times. In this study, reaction time is the _______________ variable.
  • dependent
  • correlational
  • independent
  • experimental
Q24 | Which of the following research methods would be mosteffective in demonstrating that the presence of others improves our performance of a task?
  • an experiment
  • correlational study
  • a survey
  • a field study
Q25 | Which of the following techniques would be the most effective way of investigating the relationship between the political preferences and the age of Canadian citizens?
  • an experiment
  • a case study
  • a correlational study
  • participant observation