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This set of Current Trends and Cases in HRM Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Current Trends And Cases In Hrm Set 2

Q1 | New businesses start every year. These start-ups are risky ventures, as nearlyfail in their first year of operation.
  • 10%
  • 25%
  • 35%
  • 40%
  • 50%
Q2 | Out of the number of small businesses that start every year, only will survivea decade.
  • 5%
  • 10%
  • 15%
  • 20%
  • 25%
Q3 | Organizational culture:
  • is often shaped by HRM practices.
  • can be defined in terms of the right or wrong culture.
  • is made up of a number of elements such as norms, behaviors, values, etc.
  • refers to basic assumptions and beliefsshared by members of an organization.
  • isthe non-pervasive climate or atmosphere within which people work.
Q4 | An organization’s culture consists of a number of separate elements, such as:
  • technology use.
  • ethical dilemmas.
  • labor unions.
  • employee work habits.
  • the working environment climate or feel.
Q5 | A company’s organization culture does NOT manifest in:
  • the relationships among the employees.
  • worker safety.
  • the employees’ uniforms, or lack thereof.
  • organizational challenges.
  • pay for performance.
Q6 | The increased use of technology for telecommuting raises a number of issues for human resources, such as:
  • privacy rights regarding the data used by telecommuters.
  • more layers of management to watch/monitor telecommuters.
  • monitoring performance and overtime pay.
  • outsourcing work rather than using fulltime employees.
  • labor costs, as telecommuting is quite expensive.
Q7 | A critical ethical issue for HR managers related to technology use in workenvironments is:
  • the increase in authoritarian management due to organizational restructuring.
  • the improper use of proprietary data.
  • self-managed work teams misusing technology to their own personal ends.
  • overly close supervision of technology users.
  • “window sitting.”
Q8 | The impact of technology on organizational structure can be seen in the:
  • return of pyramidal structure due to the ease of transferring information between levels.
  • increase in authoritarian management in order to control access to technology and information.
  • changing nature of labor relations.
  • decrease in employees working at home.
  • ability of top management to bypass middle managers and deal directly with firstline managers.
Q9 | Since companies can now monitor their employees’ use of the Internet and e-mail, which of the following is a legislative concern?
  • The decrease in employee productivity.
  • Privacy issues regarding individuals.
  • The “fuzzy line” between what could be seen as obscene to some people but harmless slang to others.
  • The use of this information to plan surprise birthday parties for employees.
  • The potential for the information to be used to compile mailing lists for different corporations.
Q10 | Knott’s Construction builds one house every month. Mr. Knotts and Scott perform all the structural work themselves while they subcontract the plumbing and electrical work. This subcontracting is an example of:
  • organizational restructuring.
  • the rise of the service sector.
  • the growth of the small business.
  • time efficiency.
  • outsourcing.
Q11 | Outsourcing presents a number of challenges to Human Resources in that:
  • it raises labor costs while lowering production costs.
  • a firm is still accountable for the actions of its subcontractors, but it exercises less control over them.
  • employees require close monitoring by HRM, as subcontractors tend to take on less work than they can handle, meaning more subcontractors doing less work.
  • it increases customer use of service centers because customers tend to be more satisfied with subcontractors than with regular employee service representatives.
  • all of the above
Q12 | Rudy is writing a report about the individual challenges his firm is facing. Which of the following would Rudy NOT include in his report?
  • use of an employee’s credit history in determining her competency.
  • whether to increase fit between employees and their jobs.
  • whether to discipline an employee for excessive use of the Internet.
  • whether to outsource a specific job to a firm with more employees.
  • how to determine individuals’ performance in their respective jobs.
Q13 | The relationship of the individual challenges HRM faces to the organizational challenges HRM faces:
  • is one of little, if any, importance.
  • is one of reciprocity. Each affects the other.
  • is relevant in only a few challenges.
  • is similar to the relationship of labor relations to the use of technology.
  • poses a significant ethical dilemma to HR managers.
Q14 | The matching of people to the organization, not just to a job, is:
  • important, but not the critical task it was once thought to be since studies show that personality has little to do with success.
  • creating ethical dilemmasfor corporations in today’s legal environment.
  • a significant part of an organization’s social responsibility.
  • getting easier through the use of technology.
  • increasingly important as studies show executive personalities as well as their competencies can affect company performance.
Q15 | A study of small high-technology firms shows that they should hire people who are:
  • very well organized and structured.
  • experienced in administration and organization since the company will probably lack these skills.
  • able to handle high uncertainty and rapid change in exchange for the satisfaction of possible future payoffs.
  • experienced in working with large corporations, preparing the company for its transition to be a major player in its market.
  • technically competent and should disregard personality issues.
Q16 | Creating and implementing ethics codes has generally:
  • significantly decreased the number of ethical issues being raised in companies.
  • made decision making for managers much more clear cut.
  • increased employee satisfaction with management.
  • caused an actual increase in ethical violations within companies.
  • caused employees to see their managers as acting in ways inconsistent with these ethical codes.
Q17 | When it comes to managers dealing with ethical issues, it is safe to say that:
  • what is ethical or unethical is seldom clear cut.
  • issues clearly resolve themselves into right and wrong choices.
  • the implementation of ethical codes has significantly helped managers with their ethical struggles.
  • employee expectations are on the decline.
  • business, unlike other areas of life, generally has clear choices about what to do or not to do in ethical situations.
Q18 | Karl is trying to improve company productivity by focusing on employee competence. Karl is focusing on the factor of productivity.
  • motivation
  • ethical
  • quality of work life
  • empowerment
  • ability
Q19 | You are talking with a manager about one of his employees, Tom. The manager describes Tom as a person who has a strong desire to do the best possible job and put in the maximum effort to perform his assigned tasks. The manager is describing Tom’s:
  • abilities.
  • capabilities.
  • motivation.
  • career path.
  • productivity level.
Q20 | One goal of empowerment is:
  • to decrease employee dependence on superiors.
  • to let managers create distance from the employees.
  • to encourage employees to take more responsibility for their own work.
  • to emphasize external control in the function of the company.
  • a and c
Q21 | One of your best MIS people left to work for a competitor. When she left, she took with her a partially completed proposal for an enhanced MIS system that would reduce costs and increase the speed of handling information. You’ve just experienced:
  • empowerment.
  • an organizational restructuring.
  • a competitive advantage.
  • brain drain.
  • the results of the glass ceiling.
Q22 | Many profitable American companies eliminate jobs ever year. This trend can beattributed to which of the following factors?
  • The need for fewer service and production workers in a more technological society.
  • The increasing dissatisfaction of firms with long-term employees.
  • Increasing competition in industry.
  • Companies’ need for more diverse work communities.
  • Increasing union membership.
Q23 | Strategic Human Resource Planning is:
  • the process of responding appropriately to HRM problems as they arise.
  • the process of winning the commitment of line management to support HRM practices.
  • the process of formulating HR strategies and establishing programs to implement them.
  • largely the responsibility of HRM professionals with minimal input by line management.
  • a dying practice as more companies move to TQM.
Q24 | Strategic Human Resource Planning provides a number of benefits to a company, such as:
  • providing strategies for responding to problems and crises as they arise.
  • relieving middle managers of their HRM responsibilities.
  • blurring the difference between line and staff management.
  • reducing costs by diversifying the company’s goals and objectives.
  • helping to identify the gap between a company’s current situation and vision.
Q25 | Molly heads a large company that has just experienced a major brain drain. She immediately increases compensation to new employees and gives each employee with over 10 year experience an extra 3 days of paid vacation per year. This is an example of:
  • strategic HR planning.
  • proactive HR strategy.
  • reactive HR strategy.
  • a knee-jerk reaction.
  • downsizing.