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This set of Organisational Behaviour Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Organisational Behaviour Set 5

Q1 | What sort of actions is most likely to be attributed to external causes?
  • actions that have high distinctiveness, high consensus and high consistency
  • actions that have high distinctiveness, high consensus and low consistency
  • actions that have high distinctiveness, low consensus and low consistency
  • actions that have low distinctiveness, low consistency and high consensus
Q2 | A threatened strike action by a labour union to force the management to accept their demands is anexample of which of the following power?
  • referent power
  • legitimate power
  • reward power
  • coercive power
Q3 | Which of the following departmentalization can be considered necessary in an organization where thecompany’s products fall into several categories with very different production methods for each category?
  • customer
  • production
  • process
  • matrix
Q4 | Mr.Dirash has a job which pays an excellent salary. He has a good relationship with his peers and his supervisors. He also likes the fact that the company policy fits well with what he personallybelieves, and that he has received considerable recognition for his achievements at the company. Which of these factors is 'MOST likely' responsible for the fact that Dirash loves his job?
  • high compensation
  • good nature of peer relationships
  • good nature of supervisor relationships
  • recognition for his achievements
Q5 | Over the past two decades, business schools have added required courses on people skills to manyof their curricula. Why have they done this?
  • managers no longer need technical skills in subjects such as economics and accounting to succeed.
  • there is an increased emphasis in controlling employee behavior in the workplace.
  • managers need to understand human behavior if they are to be effective.
  • these skills enable managers to effectively lead human resources departments.
Q6 | Which of the following is most likely to be a belief held by a successful manager?
  • technical knowledge is all that is needed for success.
  • it is not essential to have sound interpersonal skills.
  • technical skills are necessary, but insufficient alone for success.
  • effectiveness is not impacted by human behavior.
Q7 | What term is used for the extent to which an individual displays different behaviours in different situations?
  • continuity
  • integrity
  • flexibility
  • distinctiveness
Q8 | What does consensus refer to in attribution theory?
  • there is general agreement about a perception.
  • different people respond the same way in the same situation.
  • there is general agreement about how people desire to respond to the same situation.
  • different people perceive a situation similarly.
Q9 | If everyone who is faced with a similar situation responds in the same way, attribution theorystates that the behaviour shows.
  • consensus
  • similarity
  • reliability
  • consistency
Q10 | Which of the following is not one of the four primary management functions?
  • controlling
  • planning
  • staffing
  • organizing
Q11 | Determining how tasks are to be grouped is part of which management function?
  • planning
  • leading
  • controlling
  • organizing
Q12 | Mintzberg concluded that managers perform 10 different, highly interrelated roles. Which of thefollowing is one of the broad categories into which these roles could be grouped?
  • intrapersonal
  • institutional
  • decisional
  • affective
Q13 | As a manager, one of James’s duties is to present awards to outstanding employees within hisdepartment. Which Mintzberg managerial role is James acting in when he does this?
  • leadership role
  • liaison role
  • monitor role
  • figurehead role
Q14 | According to Mintzberg, one of management’s interpersonal roles is .
  • spokesperson
  • leader
  • negotiator
  • monitor
Q15 | Robert Katz identified three essential skills that managers need to have in order to reach theirgoals. What are these skills?
  • technical, decisional and interpersonal
  • technical, human, and conceptual
  • interpersonal, informational and decisional
  • conceptual, communication and networking
Q16 | A manager is valued by her colleagues for her ability to perform effective break-even analysis onupcoming ventures. In this case, her colleagues value her for competencies that fall within which of Katz’s essential management skills categories?
  • technical
  • communication
  • human
  • conceptual
Q17 | According to Katz, technical skills encompass the ability to.
  • analyze and diagnose complex situations
  • exchange information and control complex situations
  • apply specialized knowledge or expertise
  • initiate and oversee complex projects
Q18 | Which one of the following would not be considered a human skill in Katz’s structure?
  • decision making.
  • communicating
  • resolving conflicts
  • working as part of a team
Q19 | According to Katz, when managers have the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complexsituations, they possess skills.
  • technical
  • leadership
  • problem-solving
  • conceptual
Q20 | According to Fred Luthans and his associates, which of the following is considered a part oftraditional management?
  • disciplining
  • decision making
  • exchanging routine information
  • acquiring resources
Q21 | Which of Luthans’ managerial activities involves socializing, politicking, and interacting withoutsiders?
  • traditional management
  • communicating
  • human resource management
  • networking
Q22 | While the Functions, Roles, Skills, and Activities approaches to management all differ, they allrecognize that effective and successful managers must develop which of the following?
  • people skills
  • technical skills
  • efficiency
  • entrepreneurialism
Q23 | An OB study would be least likely to be used to focus on which of the following problems?
  • an increase in absenteeism at a certain company
  • a fall in productivity in one shift of a manufacturing plant
  • a decrease in sales due to growing foreign competition
  • an increase in theft by employees at a retail store
Q24 | If a person responds the same way over time, attribution theory states that the behaviour shows.
  • distinctiveness
  • consensus
  • consistency
  • continuity
Q25 | Mr.Balu is late for work each day by about ten minutes. How would attribution theory describethis behaviour?
  • it shows consensus.
  • it shows similarity.
  • it shows reliability.
  • it shows consistency