EDS Chapter 7: Metamorphism


A pre-existing rock

Metamorphic rock

Solid- state alteration of a protolith

What are three agents of metamorphism?

- Temperature
- Pressure
- Stress

Metamorphism can alter any protolith. What two things in the rock can it alter?

Texture and mineralogy

How does heat affect metamorphism?

The heat energy breaks and reforms atomic bonds

What is the trend of pressure and depth?

Pressure increases with depth

How does pressure affect metamorphism?

An increase in presure packs the atoms more tightly together. This causes denser minerals or a phase change / crystallization

Hydrothermal fluid metamorphism

Hot water with dissolved ions and volatiles

How do hydrothermal fluids affect metamorphism?

- it accelerates chemical reactions
- alters rocks by adding / subtracting elements

what is another name for hydrothermal fluid metamorphism?



alternating light and dark bands


- minerals change size and shape
- type does not change


- new minerals form from old
- old minerals become unstable

Can metamorphism happen more than once?


What are the two main groups of metamorphic rocks?

Foliated and non-foliated

In a foliated rock, minerals have a ___ ___

preferred orientation

A non-foliated rock contains minerals that have ____ but DO NOT have a preferred orientation


How do you define metamorphic intensity?

Metamorphic grade

What does metamorphic grade mainly depend on?


Low temperature = ___ grade


High temperature = ____ grade


Thermal / contact metamorphism

- magma heats the wall of a magma chamber
- high grade form immediately
- low grade form farther away

Metamorphism in a subduction zone

- rock at the base of the zone has high pressure
- subducted oceanic lithosphere is cool, temperatures remain relatively low

Shock metamorphism

Meteorites impact the earth, extreme compression is felt


the process in which deeply buried rocks end up back at the surface


broad region of stable continental crust where the sedimentary cover was eroded away and the Precambrian "basement" rocks are exposed