Biology- Unit 6 TEST

Define Sex chromosome

chromosome that directly controls the development of sexual characteristics

Define Diploid

cell that has two copies of each chromosome, one from an egg and one from a sperm

Define Haploid

cell that has only one copy of each chromosome

Define Meiosis

form of nuclear division that divides a diploid cell into haploid cells; important in forming gametes for sexual reproduction

Define Gametogenesis

process by which gametes are produced through the combination of meiosis and other maturational changes

Define Polar body

haploid cell produced during meiosis in the female of many species; these cells have little more than DNA and eventually disintegrate

Define Crossing over

exchange of chromosomes segments between homologous chromosomes during meiosis

Define Mutation

change in DNA sequence

Define Point mutation

mutation that involves a substitution of only one nucleotide

Define Frameshift mutation

mutation that involves the insertion or deletion of a nucleotide in the DNA sequence


sexual reproduction. Fusion of 2 gametes in a process that allows haploid cells to fuse called FERTILIZATION

Compare Mitosis and Meiosis

-Diploid cells (2)
-Occurs in the body cells
-2 genetically indexical cells
-Haploid cells that are (2n)
-Gametes formed in gonads
-Genetica variation occurs

Where does the sexual reproduction of meiosis occur?

in the sex organs (gonads) of animals. Production of gametes in animals- egg and sperm

Mitosis or Meiosis?
Cell division that produces 4, haploid cells. Reduction of chromosomes- half #.


Genetic variation occurs ...

during meiosis

What happens during genetic variation?

random assortment of chromosomes during metaphase 1

When does crossing over occur?

prophase 1

How many pairs are there in a diploid organism?

23 (2 sets) chromosomes. Somatic cells. 46 chromosomes

How many pairs are there in a haploid organism?

1 set of chromosomes, held the number. Gametes, sex cells. 23 chromosomes

Homologous chromosomes- _____________ pair of inherited chromosomes (size. length, shape, and Loci)

one from each parent. Each pair carries the same genre sequence of inherited characteristics

What do sex chromosomes determine?

the sex and characteristcs of an organism, 23rd pair. 2 sex chromosomes ( X and Y)





What is a karyotype?

digram showing a cell's chromosomes order from largest to smallest.

When and how do homologous chromosomes pair up?

karyotype includes pairing up of homologous chromosomes visually by size and shape and Loci (banding)

What are karyotypes used for?

to determine inherited genetic disorders (chromosome abnormalities) and sex

Genetic variations includes crossing over. Define crossing over and what it ensures

Exchanging of genetic material between homologous chromosomes ensures genetic diversity

______________ of organisms is influenced by crossing over. When does crossing over occur?

genetic diversity, prophase 1

What are the stages for meiosis (in order)

prophase 1

Prophase 1

-chromosomes pair to form tetrads (4 chromosomes)
-crossing over occurs
the cell is 2n (diploid)
-nuclear membrane disappears

Metaphase 1

-tetrads line up in the center of the cell
-cell is still 2n

Anaphase 1

-tetrads separate
-chromosomes separate independently
-cell is still 2n

Telophase 1

-nuclear membrane may or may not reappear
-daughter cells have formed
-cytokinesis occurred
-2 haploid (n) cells

Prophase 2

-DNA does not duplicate, nor crossing over
-nuclear membrane disappears
-cells are still n

Metaphase 2

-chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
-cells are still n

Anaphase 2

-sister chromatids begin to separate
-cell still n

Telophase 2

-2 daughter cells have all separate
-4 new haploid cells, polar bodies
-cells are genetically different

What is a mutation?

Change in the DNA sequence

A mistake that is made during replication affects _______________
-Group of genes __________________, during meiosis

single gene, affects or entire chromosome

What are the causes for mutations?

-Errors in the DNA replication
-Crossing over of meiosis

Mutations can be...

-Harmful; diseases or deformities
-Helpful; organism is better able to survive
-Neutral; organism is unaffected

Define mutagens

It is chemical or physical event that cause mutations

Physical mutagens

high radiation, X-rays, high temperature, UV light

Chemical mutagens

asbestos, cigarette smoke

If mutations occur in germ cells...

gametes, that mutation is passed on the offspring;

If mutations occur in body cells...

mutation affects only the organism

Point mutation (substitution)

-one nucleotide is replaced with another nucleotide
-usually no change to protein occurs, Due to different combinations to make A.A
Ex. GAA to GAG� codes for the same protein

Insertions or deletions (frameshift)

-The adding or deleting of a nucleotide
-Causes a change in the remaining nucleotides likely altering the amino acid sequence (producing a nonfunctional protein)


Nucleotide sequence that is reversed