Vocab English 10 more words

What part of speech is irate?


What is the definition of irate?

Very Angry

What are synonyms of irate?

Incensed, infuriated, livid

What are antonyms of irate?

Calm, composed, cool

What part of speech is Marauder?


What is the definition of Marauder?

A raider

What are synonyms of Marauder?

Plunderer, looter, pirate

What are antonyms of Marauder?

Civilized, innocent, angelic

What part of speech is pauper?


What is the definition of pauper?

An extremely poor person

What are synonyms of pauper?

Destitute, bankrupt, broke

What are antonyms of pauper?

Billionaire, tycoon, wealthy

What part of speech is Pilfer?


What is the definition of Pilfer?

To steal in small quantities

What are synonyms of Pilfer?

Rob, swipe, purloin

What are antonyms of Pilfer?

Donate, contribute, return

What part of speech is rift?


What is the definition of rift?

Split or break

What are synonyms of rift?

Crack, fissure, gap

What are antonyms of rift?

Reconciliation, mend, repair

What part of speech is semblance?


What is the definition of semblance?

An outward appearance

What are synonyms of semblance?

Air, aura, fa�ade

What are antonyms of semblance?

Difference, contrast, dissimilarity

What part of speech is surmount?


What is the definition of surmount?

To Rise above

What are synonyms of surmount?

Overcome, conquer, triumph

What are antonyms of surmount?

Vanquished, defeated, succumb

What part of speech is terminate?


What is the definition of terminate?

To bring to an end

What are synonyms of terminate?

Conclude, finish, discontinue

What are antonyms of terminate?

Begin, commence, start

What part of speech is trite?


What is the definition of trite?

Overused or stale

What are synonyms of trite?

Commonplace, hackneyed, corny

What are antonyms of trite?

Original, innovative, fresh

What part of speech is usurp?


What is the definition of usurp?

To seize by force

What are synonyms of usurp?

Supplant, overthrow, forfeit

What are antonyms of usurp?

Relinquish, surrender forfeit