Of Mice and Men Chapter 4

What does Crook's room and the things in it tell you about his character?

Crooks was probably very lonely and might have been addicted to drugs, drunk, etc due to medicine in his box.

What does Crooks say to Lennie about loneliness?

Crooks tells Lennie that he experienced loneliness as a child due to his race and was often not allowed to play with neighborhood kids. He says to Lennie that "George can tell you screwy things, and it don't matter," (pg. 71). Overall, Crooks wants Lennie

Why would Crooks react so negatively to Lennie, then let him in anyway?

When Crooks found out that Lennie had been with George and that George is not around, he decided to let him in his room so that they could talk about loneliness.

Why does Crooks torture and taunt Lennie and George?

Crooks wanted to tell his story of how awful racism was and how it resulted in him being isolated and lonely. In order to do this, Crooks thought it was best to taunt them and scare them in a way that made them feel bad for him.

Why is Crooks called "Crooks"? How does this reflect his personality?

Crooks is called "Crooks" because of his ability to frighten others when telling a story. He has good intentions but has experienced a lot of horrible things in his lifetime.

Define mauled (verb)

beat, battered, or tore at a person or animal

Define aloof (adjective)

uninvolved with people or events; remote

Define meager (adjective)

unsatisfactory small; unsatisfying

Define liniment (noun)

a pain-relieving cream or ointment

Define fawning (adjective)

attempting to please with flattery

Define disarming (adjective)

Charming, friendly, or trusting

Define scornful (adjective)

feeling or expressing great contempt for someone or something

Define brutally (adverb)

in an unrelentingly harsh or cruel way

Define indignation (noun)

anger about an unfairness or wrongdoing

Define averted (verb)

Turned away

Define appraised (verb)

looked over; made a judgment about

Define crestfallen (adjective)

downcast, disappointed, or humiliated