Lesson 19 and 20

Unctuous (adjective)

Inisncere earnestness; slippery in charcter

Usurp (verb)

To seize and hold by force and without legal authority

Vacuous (adjective)

Lacking intelligence; stupid; insane

Vehement (adjective)

Forceful or intense expression or emotion; fervid

Vortex (noun)

A spiral motion of fluid, especially a whirling mass of water or air

Winnow (verb)

To separate; to examine closely in order to separate the good from the bad

Wrought (verb)

Put together; created; shaped by hammering tools

Xenophobe (noun)

A person unduly fearful of that which is foreign, especially strangers or foreign people

Yeoman (noun)

An attendant, servant; an assistant; a dependable worker

Ziggurat (noun)

Temple tower of the ancient Babylonians; pyramid