Exam 2

how do you find avg atomic mass

(abundance % into dec x mass) + (abundance % into dec x mass)

order of electromagnetic spectrum

radio-->microwave-->infared-->visible-->UV-->xray-->gamma ray

Physical Changes in Matter

shape or size without changing the molecular structure. it can be reversed.

chemical change (chemical reaction)

a substance is transformed into a chemically different substance

physical properties of matter

Color, Odor, Shape, Hardness, Texture, Density, Volume, Mass, Weight

Chemical Properties of Matter

ability to burn, ability to rust, ability to decompose

where is electronegativity highest

top right ( increases more as you go to the upper right)

solid to liquid


liquid to solid


liquid to gas


gas to liquid


solid to gas


gas to solid


how do you find number of valence electrons

Look at the group (column) number

Where are metals located on the periodic table?

left of staircase

Where are semimetals/metalloids on the periodic table?

the staircase

Where are non metals located on the table?

right of the staircase

what is the name of group 1

alkali metals

what is the name of group 17

Halogen Family

what is the name of group 2

alkaline earth metals

what is the name of group 18

Noble gases

what is a group

A column on the periodic table

what is a period

horizontal row in the periodic table

what's the maximum number of electrons that the 4th principle energy level can hold?

32 electrons

how many electrons does the s block hold


how many electrons does the p block hold


how many electrons does the d block hold


how many electrons does the f block hold


how do you find the amount of neutrons an element has

subtract attomic number from weight

how do you find how many protons an element has

atomic number
also the same for electrons

what are the 3 properties of a wave

wavelength, frequency, energy

name for group 3-12

transition metals

Do noble gases have electronegativity?


What element has the highest electronegativity?


ionization energy trend

increases up and to the right

atomic radius trend

increases down and to the left

electronegativity trend

increases up and to the right

how many electrons do columns 3-12 have


forming ions of metals

lose an electron, they become positive

forming ions of nonmetals

gain electron, become negative