Ionic Bonding, Ionic Bonds

Octet Rule

Most elements are stable with 0 or 8 electrons in their valence shell


They normally lose electrons during chemical reactions. They are on the left side of the P. table


They normally gain electrons during chemical reactions. They are on the right side of the P. Table


An atom that has a net positive or negative charge.


An ion with a negative charge. Formed by gaining electrons


An ion with a positive charge. formed by losing electrons.

Ionic bond

attraction between a cation and anion

Ionic compound

chemical made by ionic bonds


The suffix added to a negative ion's name


protons - electrons

valence electrons

electrons in the outermost shell, found by looking at the group number for most elements


atoms are most stable with 0 or ____ valence electrons

gives away electrons

ionic bonds form when one atom _________ to another atom


the charge of an atom that has lost 1 electron


the charge of an atom that has lost 2 electrons


the charge of an atom that has lost 3 electrons


the charge of an atom that has gained 1 electron


the charge of an atom that has gained 2 electrons


the charge of an atom that has gained 3 electrons

lose 1 electron

alkali metals are most stable when they ____

lose 2 electrons

alkaline metals are most stable when they ____

gain 1 electron

halogens are most stable when they ___

don't gain or lose any electrons

noble gases are most stable when they ____


elements touching the zig-zag line of the PT


true or false: metals are better conductors than metalloids


true or false: non-metals are ductile and malleable

alkali metals

the most reactive family

alkaline earth metals

family with 2 valence electrons

transition metals

family that has Ni, Cu, and Zn


family of reactive non-metals

noble gases

family with full valence levels


row on the PT


column on the PT

protons - electrons

equation for charge


when an atom has equal number of protons and electrons, it is _____

ionization energy

the energy needed to make an atom a cation. Low for metals

electron affinity

the energy released when an atom becomes an anion. High for nonmetals

oxidation numbers

the common charges of atoms when following the octet rule


when K bonds with O, it makes ____


when K bonds with O, it does not make ____


how many Br are needed to bond with B

metal and nonmetal

ionic bonds usually form between ___

lithium chloride

what is the name of LiCl

lithium chlorine

what is an incorrect name of LiCl