OMAM Chapter 2


a handyman; someone who performs odd jobs often involving cleaning (Candy)


mattress covering

stable buck

a black man who works in a stable.


mule driver (Slim)


a hole underground for sewage


wanting to fight


rude, negative




a form of language spoken by people in a particular region or group


a short novel


the opposite of what is expected

what is something ironic in Chapter 2?

Lennie's last name is Small

direct characterization

adjectives and obvious descriptions

indirect characterization

descriptions that are not clearly stated, like dialogue

Why was the boss mad at George and Lennie?

because they were late

What is Lennie's last name?


What is George's last name?


What does the boss suspect of George? Why?

Thinks he's taking advantage of Lennie because he speaks for him

What reason does George give for taking care of Lennie?

Says Lennie is his cousin who was kicked in the head by a horse

What does George find in a box by the bed?

Lice powder

Candy is missing what part of a limb?


What evidence does the old swamper give that the boss is nice?

he gave them a gallon of whiskey for Christmas

What evidence is there that the boss is not a working man?

wears high heel boots and spurs

Describe the stable buck

a black man who works in the stable.

What are the physical attributes of the stable buck?

crooked back because a horse kicked him

What does the boss use the stable buck for?

He takes out his anger on him

Describe the fight between the stable buck and Smitty...

Smitty couldn't use his legs because the stable buck has a crooked back

Who is Curley?

the boss's son

What does the swamper tell George about Curley's left hand?

He wears vaseline in his glove because he wants to keep it soft for his wife... yuck.

According to the old swamper, what is Curley good at?

boxing, fighting

Describe Curley's wife?

red lipstick, red shoes, waayyy too much makeup

Why does Curley's wife come into the bunkhouse?

to flirt with the men (supposedly to look for Curley)

What is the general attitude toward Curley's wife?

they think she's bad news

Describe Slim.

Tall, long black hair, very elegant

What is Slim's job on the ranch?

he's the mule driver

Wat are his character traits?

quiet, nice, respectable

What does Lennie want George to ask Slim?

If he can have a puppy

Why does Carlson suggest shooting Candy's dog?

The dog is old, and he can get a new one from Slim.