11th grade vocabulary

inauspicious (adj.)


tremulous (adj.)


discern (v.)

perceive, recognize

mercurial (adj.)

changeable, fickle

meditative (adj.)


iniquity (n.)

injustice or wickedness

simultaneous (adj.)

operating at the same time; concurrent

defile (v.)

to pollute, contaminate

smite (v.)

to strike or hit hard

ethereal (adj.)

light, airy, delicate

impalpable (adj.)

hard to touch, difficult to comprehend

suffice (v.)

to be enough or adequate

resolute (adj.)

resolved or determined

accost (v.)

to approach aggressively

despotic (adj.)

authoritarian, tyrannical

enigma (n.)

puzzle, mystery

convert (n.)

one who has changed religions

vivacity (n.)

liveliness, animation

straggle (v.)

stray, wander

pensive (adj.)


scintillating (adj.)

animated, interesting

scrofula (n.)

tuberculosis of the lymphatic glands

luster (n.)

shine, reflection

transfiguration (n.)

change in outward form or appearance

flit (v.)

to move lightly and swiftly

morose (adj.)


alacrity (n.)

cheerful willingness