english 1 midterm


the sequence of events


conflicts are introduced

rising action

builds suspense and adds complications


turning point, moment of highest emotional pitch or greatest suspense

falling action

action following the climax, may show the result of the conflict


denoument" (unknotting)
reveals or suggests the outcome of the conflict


an individual in a literary work

main characters

are central to the story and are typically fully developed

minor character

displays few personality traits and are used to help develope a story

round character

a character who shows varied and sometimes contradictory traits

flat character

a character who reveals only one personality trait

stock character

flat character of a familiar and often-repeated type (ditsy cheerleader or the dumb jock)

dynamic character

a character that changes throughout the story

static character

a character that remains the same throughout the story


the time and place in which the events of a literary work occur
also includes the ideas, customs, values,a nd beliefs of the particular time and place

1st person

the narrator is a character in the story; "I, me

2nd person

the narrator reveals the thoughts, feelings, and observations of only one character; "he, she

3rd person omniscent

the narrator is not a character in the story, they know everything about the characters and the events and may reveal details that te characters themselves could not reveal; "he, she


the main idea or message of a story, poem, novel, or play often expressed as a general statement about life


a contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality; or between what is expected and what actually happens

situational irony

the actual outcome of a situation is the opposite of what is expected

verbal irony

a person says one thing and means another

dramatic irony

the reader/ audience know something that the characters do not know


an author's use of clues to prepare readers for events that will happen later in a story


the methods a writer uses to reveal the personality of character

direct characterization

the writer uses to reveal the personality of a character

indirect characterization

the writer reveals a character through that individual's words, thoughts, and actions, and through what other characters think and say about a character


the "word pictures" writers use to evoke an emotional response in readers. uses descriptions that appeal to ALL your senses


a figure of speech using LIKE or AS to compare seemingly unlike things


a figure of speech that compares or equates 2 or more things that have something in common.
doesn't use LIKE or AS


a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables that gives a line of poetry a predictable rhythm. basic unit is a foot


a reflection of a writers attitude toward the subject of a poem

end rhyme

occurs at the end of lines of poetry

internal rhyme

occurs within a line of poetry

approximate rhyme

occurs when words sound similar but may not actually rhyme


the use of a word or phrase that imitates or suggests the sound of what it describes


repetition of sounds most often constant sounds at the beginning of words


a figure of speech in which an animal, object, force of nature, or idea is given human qualities or characteristics


repetition of sounds most often vowel sounds