English: of mice and men questions

Why do George and Lennie leave the ranch in Weed?

Lennie was accused of rape.

For what does Lennie ask that angers George?


According to George, why are he and Lennie different from other migrant laborers?

They are not lonely, for they have each other.

Which of the following does not foreshadow later events in the novel?

George talks about Aunt Clara.

What does not describe Lennie?


What is not significant about George's speech to Lennie?

The speech foreshadows George and Lennie's future together.

What is not a possible reason why the boss suspects George and Lennie?

Lennie appears foolish and dimwitted.

Why does Curley dislike Lennie?

Curley is jealous of those who are bigger than he.

What is the significance of George's explanation that he and Lennie are cousins?

They are in an environment in which two men can only behave kindly to one another if they have a tangible family connection

What do the men think of Curley's Wife?

They think that she is a tart.

Which of the following does not describe Curley's Wife when she first enters the bunk house?


What is not significant about George's story about the river?

It shows that Lennie is capable of self-inflicted violence.

What is not an explanation for why Lennie and George travel together?

Lennie is George's only surviving relative.

Which of the ranch workers has a dog that recently had a litter of puppies?


What animal is not killed in the course of the story?

Old dog.

What does not describe Candy?

Malleable (easily influenced).

What is a comparison between Candy and his dog does not hold true?

Candy and his dog are both outcasts.

Why does Candy let Carlson shoot his dog?

Candy is pressured into letting Carlson shoot his dog.

Where does George go at night without Lennie?

A ***** house.

Which character does not remain at the farm at night?


What does Lennie do when Curley punches him?

He does not fight back.

Who is not a dangerous woman in the novel?

Aunt Clara.

What is the name of Curley's Wife?

She is never named.

According to Crooks, what would happen to Lennie without George?

He would be sent to an insane asylum.

According to Curley's wife, under what condition do men speak to her?

When they are alone.

Of Mice and Men was first published in what year?


What is the name of the town from which George and Lennie are fleeing when the story opens?


What excites Lennie most about his dream life with George?

He will get to tend rabbits.

Why is Candy unable to imagine getting rid of his old dog?

He has had the dog since it was a puppy.

Why does Curley wear a Vaseline-filled glove on one hand?

He wants to keep his hand soft for his wife.

Why does Carlson insist on shooting Candy's dog?

Carlson believes the dog is too old and decrepit to be of any use.

Whit enters the bunkhouse with a magazine featuring a man he used to work with. Why is the man in the magazine?

He wrote a letter to the editor, praising the publication.

What is Old Susy's place?

A flophouse (an old hotel).

Who discovers Curley's dead wife?


What does Curley wear to set himself apart from the other men?

High-heeled boots.

Who cared for Lennie before George?

Lennie's aunt Clara.

Of Mice and Men is set in which decade?


What does Curley's wife offer to let Lennie touch?

Her hair.

To whom does Candy look for advice before allowing Carlson to shoot his dog?


Why do many critics find fault with Of Mice and Men?

They find Steinbeck's portrayal of Lennie excessively sentimental.

How does Steinbeck foreshadow the death of Curley's wife?

He opens the chapter in which she dies with Lennie petting his dead puppy.

How did Crooks get his name?

He has a crooked back.

Before George meets Lennie in the woods in the final scene, whose gun does he take?


What does George say to Lennie before shooting him?

He tells Lennie the story of their farm.

When Lennie drops down next to the pool of water as the story opens, what is George's advice to him?

He tells him not to drink too much water to avoid getting sick.

Who is the only man to understand the bond between Lennie and George?


After killing Curley's wife, which of the following pairs does Lennie imagine appears to chastise his behavior?

Aunt Clara and a giant rabbit.

Whom do Lennie and George agree to let live on their farm?


Why doesn't Crooks allow Lennie to enter his room at first?

Because he says a white man shouldn't be allowed in his room since he is not allowed in the white men's bunkhouse

Disappointed with her life, Curley's wife wonders where she would be if she had followed her dreams and become which of the following things?

A movie star.


-shoots Candy's dog


-gives Lennie a puppy
-understands George's dilemma


-likes to fight

Curley's wife

-dreams of being a Hollywood star


-wants to raise rabbits
-breaks Curley's hands


-likes to read


-offers to lend George and Lennie money
-finds body of Curley's wife

Few people ever visit the place on the river where George and Lennie camp the first night.


George and Lennie are cousins.


Lennie is completely dependent upon George.


The two men are late to their new job because the bus driver gave them incorrect information.


Lennie doesn't have a work permit.


Lennie's last name doesn't fit his physical appearance.


Aunt Clara used to give Lennie mice to play with.


George doesn't complain about taking care of Lennie.


Crooks lives alone in the barn by choice.


Crooks resents anyone coming into his room.


Slim is independent and prefers to go through life alone.


Slim respects Lennie because of his ability to work.


George knows immediately that Lennie killed Curley's wife.


Slim wishes he could someday meet the same fate as Candy's old dog.


Slim's suggestions become law to the ranch hands.


If Lennie leaves George, Lennie says he will live

in a cave.

Curley is


Curley's wife threatens to

have Crooks lynched.

Curley's wife--in her temperamental and emotional needs--most resembles


Lennie dreams about

Aunt Clara.

Candy is afraid that

he will be fired.

The men joke about Curley because he wears

a vaseline filled glove.

The death of Candy's dog foreshadows

Lennie's death.

Lennie is afraid to talk to Curley's wife because he fears the anger of


Candy blames Curley's wife for

ruining the dream of having a place of his own.

Lennie imagines Aunt Clara appears before him and

scolds him for disobeying George.

Carlson believes that

George shot Lennie during a fight.

Whatever we ain't got, that's what you want. God a'mighty, if I was alone I could live so easy. I could go get a job an' work, an no trouble. No mess at all, and when the end of the month come I could take my fifty bucks and go into town and get whatever


I ain't got no people. I seen the guys that go around on the ranches alone. That ain't no good. They don't have no fun. After a long time they get mean. They get wantin' to fight all the time.


We could live offa the fatta the lan'".


. "A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. Don't make no difference who the guy is, long's he's with you. I tell ya, I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an' he gets sick


If I catch any one man, and he's alone, I get along fine with him. But just let two of the guys get together an' you won't talk. Jus' nothing but mad

Curley's wife

Never you mind. A guy got to sometimes


I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed we'd never do her. He usta like to hear about it so much I got to thinking maybe we would


Everybody wants a little piece of lan'. I read plenty of books out here. Nobody never gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land. It's just in their head. They're all the time talkin' about it, but it's jus' in their head
