The Secret Life of Bees

How did Lily's mother die?

Lily accidentally shot her

What was in the tine box that Lily buried in the orchard?

Mother's Gloves, pic of her mother, and African American Mary Picture

What does Lily want to be when she grows up?

Professor who writes things

what was lily's punishment for being in the orchard at night?

put knees on grits

What was Rosaleen watching on tv?

Civil Rights Bill

Why was Rosaleen going to town?

to vote

What did Rosaleen take from the church?

two fans

What did Rosaleen do to get arrested?

spit on men and fought them

What did T. Ray tell Lily about her mom?

She left Lily and didn't want her

How did Lily react to what he said?

Cried and shook, denial

Where does Lily want to go with Rosaleen?


Why does she want to go there?

On back of Mary picture and she thinks her mom went there.

What did Lily tell Brother Gerald about why Rosaleen took the fans?

She has bad hearing and gets things mixed up.

When Lily went back to the jail to visit Rosaleen where was she?


How did Lily distract the officer guarding Rosaleen

Called as sheriff's wife

When Rosaleen and Lily are dropped off by their ride what does the man give them

two cantaloupes

Why is Rosaleen mad at Lily when reaching the river before Tiburon?

She didn't have a huge plan and thought she was rescuing her instead of just running

What did Lily dream about?

moon falling and shattering

What was the lunch special?

BBQ Pork

What did Lily see the Black Mary on at the store?

Jar of honey

What color is August Boatwright's house?


What are August's sisters names?

May, June, April

What was the black Mary when Lily saw it at August's house?

a piece of a ship/ like a mermaid

Where does lily tell August her and Rosaleen are going?

to see her aunt in virginia

What happened to April

Died early due to suicide

How does May react when they are talking about April


What does Lily tell Rosaleen not to tell?

about her mom and painting

What was on the wall lily found?

slips of paper about Birmingham bombing

Who did Lily ask for help?

Black Mary

What did she ask for?

to stay there at August's

What is a swarm?

a bunch of bees without a queen

Who made the wailing wall?


What is wrong with May

twin sister died and a part of herself died

How did April die?

shot herself with a shotgun

Why is Rosaleen mad at Lily?

she is spending time with August

What does Rosaleen think Lily should do about her mom

not find out

Who is Neil?

person June likes but won't marry

What is the name of the group who worships at August's house?

Daughters of Mary

What job has Lily added to her list of future careers?


Who did June fight with the hose?


What did May do that reminded Lily of her mom?

graham crackers and marshmallows to lead roaches

What did Lily dream about her mother?

she was like a roach

What did Jackson throw at the white men?

RC cola bottle

Why was Zach arrested?

wouldn't say who threw it

What does August talk to Zach about when she visits him in jail?


What does Lily say she will do for Zach?

write about his story

How did May react when she heard about Zach being arrested?

withdrew into herself and commited suicide

What do June and August do to the beehives?

black veils over them

What color is August's room?


Why didn't August tell Lily she knew who she was?

didn't feel she was ready

How did August first meet Deborah?

maid and housekeeper for her

Why did June resent Lily?

she reminded her of her mom

What did Deborah write on back of every picture?

where it was taken

Where was Deborah head when August last saw her?

on a bus headed to Sylvan

Why did Deborah and T.Ray get married?

she was pregnant

What did Lily say about her mother after August's story about Deborah?

she hated her and she should have been on Bull street

what did the neighbor tell August about what had happened to Deborah?

There was a terrible accident that's it