English sentence test

Simple Subject

A word naming a specific person, place, idea, or thing about which something is being said.

Simple Predicate

Just the verb! The main word or group of words within the complete predicate.

Complete Predicate

The part of the sentence that says something about the subject or shows the subject's action. Contains the verb.

Complete Subject

The part of the sentence about which something is said.


A group of words that has both a subject and a predicate.


A group of words that does not have both a subject and a predicate (but it may have one or the other)


A group of words that contains a predicate (verb) and its subject and expresses a completed thought.

Independent Clause

Has a subject, predicate, and expresses a complete thought. It can stand on its own.

Dependent Clause

Has a subject and predicate but does not express a complete thought. Words like after, although, as, when, while, until, because, before, if, and since (AAAWWUBBIS)

Complex Sentence

Contains a dependent clause and an independent clause. Dependent clause + comma + independent clause
Independent clause + dependent clause

Compound Sentence

Two independent clauses
Independent clause + comma + FANBOYS + independent clause
Independent clause + ; + independent clause
FANBOYS: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So

Simple Sentence

One independent clause.
Subject + verb = independent clause


A group of words that was written like a sentence, but is missing either a subject or a verb.


A statement.


A question sentence. A ? at the end of the sentence.


It is a command. Usually, you is the subject, but it is not included in the sentence its self, it has to be inferred.


An exciting sentence, one that ends in an ! to show emotion and awe.

Run-on Sentence

A run-on sentence is a sentence that contains two improperly joined independent clauses.

Comma splice

A comma splice occurs when two sentences are joined only with a comma.

Coordinating conjunction

FANBOYS, A conjunction (such as and) that joins two similarly constructed and/or syntactically equal words or phrases or clauses within a sentence.

Subordinating conjunction

A conjunction that introduces a dependent clause, joining it to a main clause. Also called a subordinator. Compare with coordinating conjunction. AAWWUBBIS

Four strategies for correction of wrong sentences

Make it two sentences with a period
Add a subordinating conjunction

Fused sentence

A fused sentence occurs when two sentences are placed together without any punctuation.