Literature Terms - 7th Grade

main idea

what the text or story is about


the chain of events in a story


the time and place of the story


the main character in a story who will face a conflict


the character or force in opposition with the protagonist


introduction or beginning of the story; characters, setting, and basic situation is introduced

rising action

moves the plot along; part of the story where complications arise


the most exciting or intense part of the story; usually a turning point

falling action

events that follow the climax and lead to the resolution


the end of the story; loose ends of the plot are tied up


a struggle between opposing forces or characters


the central lesson or truth a story reveals about life


who tells the story

point of view

the standpoint or perspective from which a story is told

first person point of view

told from the point of view of one of the main characters in the story; uses words like I, me, my, mine

3rd person limited

told from the point of view of only one character, only learns about one characters

3rd person ominsicient

told from the point of view of someone outside the story; NOT a character in the story; the most reliable

fact vs. opinion

objective vs. subjective

objective point of view

contains facts

subjective point of view

contains opinions and feelings

author's point of view

deals with the author and his/her attitude about the subject (negative or positive view point)

flat character

a character we know very little about

round character

a character that is well developed and we learn many things about them

dynamic character

a character who undergoes a major change or personal growth because of the conflict

static character

a character that stays the same throughout the story


A scene that interrupts the normal chronological sequence of events in a story to depict something that happened at an earlier time


Hints or clues in a story that suggest later events


overall emotion of the story


a general conclusion drawn from information that is given and what you already know ("Reading between the lines")


word comparison, similar relationship (Dog is to puppy as cat is to kitten)


A word that has the same or similar meaning (e.g. happy-glad, laugh-chuckle)


A word that is the opposite of another word (e.g. hot-cold, night-day).


word formed from the first letters of each word (DoCK = Dover Caring Kids)


attitudes and beliefs that shape a person's thinking in spite of facts


unfair fixed ideas about groups of people


author's choice of words, length of sentences, choice of setting that makes a piece of writing "his or her" own


types of reading (fantasy, historical fiction, biography, etc.)


suggested or understood without being directly stated


A fictitious name used by an author; a pen name

context clues

A vocabulary strategy in which the reader looks at the words around an unfamiliar word to find clues to its meaning.


Dictionary definition of a word


All the meanings, associations, or emotions that a word suggests