English 1B Grammar: Simple sentences & parts speech

What is a simple subject?

Who or what the sentence is about

what is a complete subject?

the simple subject and all its modifiers.

What is a simple predicate?

1) the verb or verb phrase that says what the subject is doing
2) links the subject to its compliment.

What is a Phrase?

is a meaningful group of words without a subject and a predicate. They have noun forms and verb forms, but no subject predicate combination.

What is a Clause?

is a meaningful group of words with a subject and a predicate.

What is a independent clause?

is a meaningful group of words with a subject and a predicate that can stand alone as a sentence

What is a dependent clause?

is a meaningful group of words with a subject and a predicate that can not stand alone as a sentence

Simple Sentence

is one independent clause with no dependent or subordinate clauses

Compound Sentence

is two or more Independent clauses with no dependent or subordinate clauses Ex: jack is eating and jill is drinking

complex sentence

is two or more independent clauses with one or more dependent or subordinate clauses


verb functioning in a sentence as a noun, adj, or adverb.

4 Words that carry meaning

nouns, verbs, adverbs, adj

4 words that make structures

conjunctions, prepositions, pronouns, interjections

prepositional phrase

a meaningful group of words without a subject and a verb used as one part of speech

what is the linking verb sentence pattern?


What is a phrasal verb?

a verb + a particle

what is an indefinite article?

a, an

what is a definite article?


demonstrative article

these, those, this

What is a sentence fragment?

An incomplete sentence that is punctuated as if it was a complete sentence.

Explain what a fused sentence is

2 independent sentences joined with out the proper conjunction or punctuation marks at the sentence boundary. They are also known as run on sentences.

what is the difference between a direct object and an object compliment?

the object complement is a word or phrase that either describes or modifies the direct object.

difference between action verbs and linking verbs

action verbs explain what the subject is doing while linking verbs either describe how the subject is or modify it

difference between transitive and intransitive verbs

an transitive verb requires an object while a intransitive does not.

simple predicate

a verb or verb phrase

complete predicate

a verb or verb phrase and all its modifiers

a comma splice is

an error where 2 complete sentences are joined with a comma instead of a period or semicolon.